belgian and dutch lads

Cerulean said:
Hey I hope there are still tickets eh :eek: cos saturday is sold out (I informed)

just telefoned to the bibelot, it is not sold out!!!

you f****** m*******, you almost gave me a hart attac
darn, come on who wants to volunteer for a ride 'in me car and me driving' from Belgium to Holland? Nina is sick so she cant come along with us :cry: :waah:
LostLenore said:
and guys , it was far from sold out yesterday....(big venue)
:eek: Damn! :(
It would've been WAY better if I could've come to Dordrecht... This night I'm gonna be home like around 4.00 in the morning, and a few hours later already I have this big maths test in school :cry: (at 8.30)
Well, I couldn't get to Dordrecht anyway.
Fuck, after the brilliant show they gave last night I really wanted to go to Hardenberg tonight. Unfortunaty it is 16:30 right now, and we just got back from Rotterdam, so it's too late to go, we can't make it.
So have fun everyone

and Nina, get well soon!!!!!!
It was good fun there! unfortunately we arrived to late at 20:45... damn! they started at 20u30. So we missed fragile dreams ( :cry: ) and release ( :mad: ) and we hopped in when they were playing pitiless. Anyway I liked that 2nd new song which is called 'Flying' atm. the first one was really odd, I'm wondering how that one will sound on CD... strange strange song!

What's even more strange: When I was driving home I decided to put PF's 'The dark side of the moon' on. NOW when i arrived home 'time' was playing. I turned my motor off AND then it was this part: 'home, home again, I like to be here when I can, when I come home cold and tired, it's good to warm my bones beside the fire' :hypno: beat this! (And when im saying 'arriving at home', its at me home, not 100 metres before!)
Marine said:
the first one was really odd, I'm wondering how that one will sound on CD... strange strange song!

what means odd?

a strange but graet a one i think , i had something like radiohead's kid A
there were weird effects on the voice, vinnie sounded like an alien haha nah odd = strange in a funny way (koddig hehe)