belgian and dutch lads

You lucky guys...
I leave to far from the place ANATHEMA played...
Can't wait to see them live again... Last time was in 2001 !!! :erk:

Hope to see you soon in France guys :hotjump:

BTW, does anybody recorded one of the NL shows ? Please let me know...


marginalé said:
you mean no in the way that i'm wrong or no like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck radiohaed's kid A

Well, I don't mean fuck radioheads kid a. i just hope Anathema won't have songs that sound like it. I'm not too keen on it.

But, I'm sure it will not be something radiohead could have done, it will be Anathema till the bone :)
no. but what's that have to do with the fact that i'd like some experimental stuff on the album? it's just a wish...