Belladonna, On His Way back to the top?...

Buddy_Love_Bomb said:
" I Was Sitting At Home on my IBM Thinking to My Self, Why Not Do Something Other Than Work Part Time At Taco Bell,, I Should Go Play a Bunch of Songs I had Nothing to do With Writhing, And Act Like People Still Care About Me"..

Smelladonna works for Taco Bell? I heard he was "theatre area" janitor for a porn shop. Joey and Danny can sit around all day giving each other Chalupa enemas, give me John ANY day of the week! Sure Joey and Dan we're the Sh*t in their time, but we've moved on (unfortunately, it appears they haven't and are going to actually abuse us with further "music" or lack thereof.)

ANTHRAX will always be Scott, Charlie and Frank...the rest are just a cast of thousands....