Besides Children Of Bodom, name three other bands that you like!

Serephidian* said:
do you ever read the thread topic..

BESIDES Cob what three bands do you like ( or whatever it is)

yes, I read it but I wanna that you know that Cob are 1. in everething... and then i wrote more 3 bands;)
corn_off_the_cob said:
we have a winner!

hey im going to buy you a gun for listening to such a shitty fag raping horse molester, seriously my 14 yr old sister listens to that fag .
BodomiC said:
i quess, law can be broken easily :p anyway i was 15 myself when i started listening to cob :p

so i understand fanboizm at youth :err:


i just like the music you cant really call me a "OMGALEXI" kind of fan...i got hooked on them from my older brothers friends...and well its hard not to get listening to them..