Best albums by ______


The Answer You Seek
Nov 9, 2002
Detroit, MI
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A nice thread to have I think to help aid in "ProgPower prep" CD purchases... I know there are a few bands I'm curious about.

Best album by:

Evergrey: Start with their newest (The Inner Circle) and work your way backwards

Nevermore: Dead Heart in a Dead World, Politics of Ecstacy, This Godless Endevor

Mercenary: I like Everblack a little bit better than 11 Dreams. But if you aren't as big a fan of the HARSH vocals you might want to try 11 Dreams.

Pyramaze: I think Melancholy Beast is awesome and their only album (I guess they have a new one coming out pretty soon?). A guy I know on another message board said "The new album is my 'most disappointing release of the year' so far. =/" So that's unfortunate... but I'll ofcourse have to make up my own mind on that one when I hear it.

That's my 2 cents on the bands I'm familier enough with to comment on. at the moment I'm curious abotu Freak Kitchen, Thunderstone (the 3rd slot bands always rule!), and Epica.
I agree regarding Evergrey. Recreation Day is probably my favorite but working backwards would be a good way to get into them for those who aren't familiar.

Nevermore - Dreaming Neon Black is my favorite by far.

Pyramaze - Melancholy Beast really is great and I'm looking forward to the new one

Vision Divine - I have two albums, The Perfect Machine and Stream of Consciousness, and both are excellent. They are also the most recent and would probably be a good place to start with them as well.
In my preferred order:

Nevermore- Dreaming Neon Black, Dead Heart in a Dead World
Evergrey- In Search of Truth, Recreation Day
Mercenary- Eleven Dreams, Everblack
Epica- Consign to Oblivion, The Phantom Agony
Freak Kitchen- Move, Spanking Hour
Thunderstone- The Burning, Tools of Destruction
Vision Divine- Stream of Consciousness, The Perfect Machine
Savage Circus- Dreamland Manor
Pyramaze- Melancholy Beast, Legend of the Bone Carver
Wastefall- Soulrain 21, new one (once it's released, great stuff)

Glenn H.
Pyramaze: I think Melancholy Beast is awesome and their only album (I guess they have a new one coming out pretty soon?). A guy I know on another message board said "The new album is my 'most disappointing release of the year' so far. =/" So that's unfortunate... but I'll ofcourse have to make up my own mind on that one when I hear it.

I have to TOTALLY DISAGREE with that person. "LEGENDS OF THE BONE CARVER" is by far going to be one of the biggest surprises of 2006, and will have everyone talking for months. This is just my opinion.
Evergrey: Solitude Dominance Tragedy, In Search of Truth
SDT is one of my favorite albums ever. Am I the only one who thinks this way? Where's the love?

Nevermore: Dreaming Neon Black, Into the Mirror Black (hehehe)

Freak Kitchen: Move....this was in the CD player on the way home from one of the PP's (can't remember which one now) almost the entire 10 hour trip.

Mercenary: Everblack, 11 dreams
I like the clean vocals a lot, but I do like their mixture of growls

Wastefall: Soulrain 21...pretty cool disc, waiting for the new one....

Epica: Anything with a picture of the band on it, well really just the singer
Evergrey - STD (nope, you're not the only one Joel-RZ. This is the first disc I got from Evergrey back before they did PP1 and it's still my favorite. I love them all but this one always will have a special place for me with Evergrey)

Nevermore - Dead Heart, brilliant cd, one of my all time favorites.

Freak Kitchen - Move. I think front to back this is their strongest release.

Mercenary - 11 Dreams, i'm not real familiar with Everblack but I will be before the show.

Savage Circus - Hmmm this is the toughest one along with Wastefall ;)

Epica - Most prefer Phantom Agony, but I like Consign better.

Thunderstone - Another i'm not real familiar with so I can't suggest here, I'd just start with the most recent and go back since they're touring for the most recent they'll probably play more of it.

Vision Divine - Stream or Perfect Machine

Pyramaze - I'm not a big fan of Melancholy, but think the new cd is freaking great!
Nevermore: Politics of Ecstacy
Freak Kitchen: S/T

as for the other bands
Evergrey - not a huge fan of theirs, but heard their live show is good
Pyramaze - love the new songs they offer for download so I probably will be picking it up
Savage Circus - also like the songs they offer and will probably pick it up the new album as well
Nevermore - Dead Heart In A Dead World, Dreaming Neon Black, Politics of Ecstacy, This Godless Endeavor

Evergrey - The Inner Circle, Recreation Day

Savage Circus - Dreamland Manor, Tales from the Twilight World, Somewhere Far Beyond (wow did I say that? lol)

Mercenary - 11 Dreams, Everblack

Thunderstone - Tools of Destruction, The Burning, S/T
Nevermore: changes a lot, but Dead Heart, Politics & Godless are close to perfect.
Evergrey: In Search Of Truth with SDT and Inner Circle close behind.
Mercenary: Everblack was good, but 11 Dreams kills it in every possible way.
Freak Kitchen: Move
trentdk said:
Now that the pre-party line-up is announced, can you guys make your album suggestions on those bands? Thanks ;)

Yeah, sure. Easy enough...

Theocracy - s/t I believe this is his only album out right now and it's pretty damn good. Nothing amazingly original but sometimes that's perfectly okay. It should sound really good live I think.

Circus Maximus - Their debut The 1st Chapter is a GREAT prog metal release. should not be missed.

Circle II Circle - they have two albums. Watching in Silence and The Middle of Nowhere. Both are great but I liked Watching In Silence just a bit more.

Don't know anything about the 4th preparty band.
Nevermore: Dead Heart, godless Endeavor, dreaming Neon Black
Evergrey: In Search Of Truth, Solitude Dominance, Recreation Day
Mercenary: 11 Dreams, Everblack, First Breath
Epica: phantom Ahgony
Thunderstone: Tools Of Destruction
freak Kitchen: Spanking Hour, Move
EG: TDD =>TsoT + TIC. (Even the band thinks Recreation Day blew goats)
NM: Into the Mirror Black, Dreaming Neon Black, In Memory, s/t, The Politricks of Ecstacy, This Godless Endeavor. (Ignore Enemies of Reality and the terrible Refuge Denied)
Freak Kitchen: Dead Soul Man, both IA Freak Guitar solo albums, Appetizer, s/t, Spanking Hour, Move
Wastefall: soulrain 21
the rest of the lineup: I'll stay quiet and stay on Glenn's good side for once.
For Leatherwolf:

Self Titled (1987)
Some kick ass tunes on this album, including an unexpected and very enjoyable cover of CCR's "Bad Moon Rising".

Street Lethal (1989)
Again, some kick ass tunes with a bit more of a "processed" sound to the production (to my ears, specifically with the drums and backing vocals).

Wide Open (1999) Live CD that floored me the first time I heard it. Triple Axe Attack just thunders live. Only real gripe I have with this one is the cover. Imagine Eddie Murphy on his quest for Oon Foo Foo, the bonzai bush bitch, and there ya go!

I'm finding the samples with Wade's vocals rather enticing. I have absolute faith in his ability to create some magic with the older material.
evergrey- start with the new and work back...inner circle is my personal fave followed by recreation day
nevermore-dead heart followed by dreaming neon then this godless endeavor
epica-both are classics,and we will take you with us dvd is just stunning!
mercenary-11 dreams followed by everblack...didnt like the first one
freak kitchen-dont care for...may by the newest just for familiarity sake
thunderstone is new to me
savage circus dreamland manor is like Blind Guardian when they were good,before the latest poop smeared disc
vision of consciousness and work ur way back...the first disc is complete generic italian...theyve really improved
Pyramaze ...Lance is God...nuff said
Wastefall...The newest disc is good,the first one is pretty much generic rubbish...theyve also improved dramatically

Pre-Party Bands...(oh and I cant find a room for thursday night...I booked Friday-Monday at Residence months ago, never expecting the pre party to be as good as the main event)
CircleIICircle-both discs are good...the 1st slightly better
Circus Maximus is awesome
Leatherwolf Street Lethal...not familiar with any others
Theocracy-heard the 1st is awesome...never found it at PP2004 and never bothered looking afterwards

Thats my two cents,for what its worth. Now if I can just find a room for Thursday I'll be set for one hell of a great weekend