Biggest ProgPower Mistakes

Missing both Progpowers III and IV are my biggest regrets. Missing Rage hurt so bad I wound up flying to Germany this past december just to see their 20th anniversary tour :). And even tho I did get to see Angra and Blind Guardian after their PPIII appearances, I still haven't seen Gamma Ray :(
Creeps said:
I was sick towards the end of PPIII from all the rain and opted to hit the sack instad of watch Angra. But had a long drive ahed of me the next day.

For Symphony X @ PPIV it was so damn loud we all left after 4-5 songs.

For Rage we were all freezing our asses off so we left after 3-4 tunes as well.

Is PPUSA open air or inside a venue?
Yngvai X said:
Missing both Progpowers III and IV are my biggest regrets. Missing Rage hurt so bad I wound up flying to Germany this past december just to see their 20th anniversary tour :). And even tho I did get to see Angra and Blind Guardian after their PPIII appearances, I still haven't seen Gamma Ray :(

Wow, PPIII....there was SO much more going on at PPIII than just the bands playing. Amazing, amazing weekend. So many stories...
The biggest mistake was Midnight coming out during the wrong song.

The second biggest mistake was Jorn thinking that face paint was cool.

The third biggest mistake was the scarf.

Bryan316 said:
Not making a buncha FUCK IVAN t-shirts and selling em for $5 each!

I wanted one!!!! I would had pay 10$ for one :D. Or one that says "I Survived Ivan Just to make it to Progpower", fucking huracane didn't stop the Costa Rica Tribe!!!
Um, biggest mistake would be NOT setting a wake up call for the morning of my flight home . . . bad bad bad day.

Other mistakes: First year I don't rent a car, I arrive during Ivan. I was staying at the Fairfield, and I was soaked by the time I made it from the Marta station (had no problems without a car the rest of the time).

Flying in on Fri morning for my first show (PPIII). I was falling asleep during PoS.

Steve in Philly
Missing Angra at PP3, but that'll be rectified this year, but by far my biggest was selling my GB to 2 & 3 and then losing it. Missing 2,3, and 4 would be next on my list.
I think another big ProgPower related mistake is getting into argument with a few members of this forum, who unfortunately won't accept they're wrong sometimes and will act like assholes... I'm glad it hasn't happened again in a while...
AngraRULES said:
I think another big ProgPower related mistake is getting into argument with a few members of this forum, who unfortunately won't accept they're wrong sometimes and will act like assholes... I'm glad it hasn't happened again in a while...

Who you callin' an asshole?......You asshole!

(Just kidding...I have no clue what you're talking about...)

Rock on!
AngraRULES said:
I think another big ProgPower related mistake is getting into argument with a few members of this forum, who unfortunately won't accept they're wrong sometimes and will act like assholes... I'm glad it hasn't happened again in a while...

How can someone be wrong in a musical discussion?

It's just opinions, right?

Having a modeling gig on Friday, with a photog that didn't have a clock or pay attention that I needed to be out the door by 3.30, not leaving till 4.30. Missing the first two bands because I was throwing up from not getting the opportunity to eat more than a pastry during the day (and yes, I do like to eat).