Best ampsim sound I've ever had (Drop A#, Gearbox Big Bottom, AD Drums, real Bass)

i don't give a shit what you call it, i like it! that is indeed one bad-ass tone. it sounds more like the tones i get out of the 5150 or Soldano than the Big Bottom model. would you post the Gearbox settings?
This sounds great not just for gearbox, but great all round I think man. I always like listening to your stuff. It's always written really well.

The gearbox patch would be appreciated! :)
good tone!!!!but there is always something in the big bottom I dont like, but I cant point the finger on it!!!
But great song, round mix....

Off topic:
Vanity ruins haben sich ja aufgelöst, sind das songs von nem neuen Projekt?
Finde die sachen echt stark!!!aber wo sind die moshparts alta;)

cheers gabriel
After fiddeling with that shit for allmost 2 years now it's the first time I really dig my own guitar sound (for that kind of music).

It's not really metal, not really hardcore and not metalcore. Just give it a listen and tell me what you think.

This is one of the best guitar tones, I ever heared in my fucking life! Maybe it´s actually the best of all...

AND NOW, MY FELLOW SNEAPSTERS..PLEASE GIVE HIM FINALLY THE HONOUR HE FUCKING DESERVES! I hate it, when threads like this fall into oblivion. That´s simply sad.
Yeah dude, that's owning bitches - a touch metallic (that's the digitalness I suspect) a touch muddy, and slightly more than a touch muffled, but overall fucking beastly as hell!
Nice tone ¡¡ do you feel that using lighter strings with line 6 stuff brings out way better tones ? I particulary do , i been using a 0.54 for drop A and 0.52 for B and the clarity is ten times better than 60 for the same tunning. AD drums fits your style really good , but i thinks they could use a little more body to it, i think they are lacking a little bit of mids if that make any sense.... cool mix as usual Emd.
That's BRUTAL! Chunky wall of pain! ;)

What's the guitar/pickup being used?

Only sad thing is that it took you two years to get there. Lots of trial and error and frustration. :/ I'm glad you've come to the "happy-point".
I'm gonna go against the grain (not for the sake of it, be sure) But its not all that clear whats going on. At times its all rumble and no note. At the same time, while I did knock it, it does sound damn good asthetically.
thanks to all of you for replying. :)

phatfil: Yes I would!

Dylan S: THanks man, I really appreciate it! CHeck the link for the preset!

XGabrielX: Moin Alta ;) Danke, ist tatsächlich ein neues Projekt, aber witzigerweise echt nur spaß, das ganze soll "Puke Nukem" heißen und wir wollen einfach n bissl Abwechslung! :)

Felix Neumann: Love you, too ;) Sommer alter. Fett.

Metaltastic: Thanks Marcus! You're the one I can trust about guitartones! :)

Pxz: I use 12/54 with a wound G string. Pretty thin for that tuning! I have still some problem with the low end in my mixes. It's always too much or too less! Working on it! :)
Cryo114: Yeah, my low-end problem. Could be some untight quadtracking aswell. Anyway you found something about it you like :)

Chryst Kripies: Sometimes I like it that way, sometimes I hate it and sometimes I'm asking myself what I'm doing wrong with compressors and low end ;D

TheDude: I was never frustrated because I was always proud of my achivements no matter what other people say. I put a lot of energy into everything music-related. Guitar was LTD MH-1000 Deluxe with EMG 81.

Used it with the engl high pres impulse. Some eq afterwards.
TheDude: I was never frustrated because I was always proud of my achivements no matter what other people say. I put a lot of energy into everything music-related.

Good to hear.
Sounds great to me as well.. drums are pumping a bit too hard i think, and there is this low end rumble in the mix that sort of makes it all a bit muddy, maybe the bass, kick and guitars are fighting for frequencies?

Cool sound dude.. it IS metal.