best ballads?


Sep 19, 2002
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what is your favorite (power) ballad(s)?

my favorite ballads:

¨edguy - land of the miracle (my abslolute all time favorite. i love that song!)
¨edguy - sands of time (not actually a power ballad, but the song is fucking beautiful)
¨freedom call - turn back time (love the chorus!)
¨edguy - tomorrow (great ballad)
¨helloween - windmill (very special song)
¨iron savior - forevermore
¨edguy - when a hero cries
¨shaman - fairytale

as you can see on the list, i really like all of the edguy ballads... tobias is a real genius! :)
Here's a few faves in no particulular order:

Stratovarius - Venus In The Morning
Stratovarius - Years Go By
Sonata Arctica - Letter To Dana
Gamma Ray - Miracle
Gamma Ray - 18 Years
Primal Fear - Bleed For Me (It's sort of a ballad)
Hammerfall - I Believe
My choice..of the top of my head would be.....

Blind Guardian - Mordred's Song
Blind Guardian - Bright Eyes
Blind Guardian - The Eldar
Blind Guardian - The Lord Of The Rings
Helloween - I Believe
Helloween - In The Middle Of A Heartbeat
Axel Rudi Pell - The Masquerade Ball
Elvenking - White Willow
Iced Earth - Blessed Are You

And my all time fave - Heal Me by Gamma Ray

There are tons more.......:)
Best Metal Ballads Are:

Blind Guardian-The Wizard
Blind Guardian- A Past And Future Secret
Nightwish-Dead Boy's Poem
Nightwish- Swanheart
Helloween-Your Turn
Hammerfall-Glory To The Brave
Dies Ire-Elf
Savatage- Not What You See

These are the best ballads in Metal I've either ever heard, or that I've heard in a long time.:D
more ballads:

manowar - courage
manowar - master of the wind
helloween - your turn
nightwish - sleeping sun
avantasia - in quest for
angra - deep blue
angra - make believe
Here's a few of my faves

Ever Dream - Nightwish
Don't know what you got till it's gone - Cinderella (yeah I know!)
Avalon - Threshold
In Quest for - Avantasia

There's more...but it's too early. My brain can't think!! More coffee needed
Angel Dust - Still I'm Bleeding
Dream Theater - The Spirit Carries on
Evergrey - For Every Tear That Falls, Words Mean Nothing
Helloween - Longing, Your Turn
Iced Earth - Watching Over Me
Lake of Tears - The Homecoming, A Crimson Cosmos
Savatage - Alone You Breathe
Sentenced - Mourn
WASP - Hold on to My Heart

There's a few of my favorites.
Originally posted by Symphony
Here's a few of my faves

Don't know what you got till it's gone - Cinderella (yeah I know!)

Hey, the ONE Glam-metal band that I hold in high regard is "Cinderella".
The singer, I forgot his name, has a great set of vocals cords. I saw them in concert, God knows when, but they really impressed me. So, I will stand up for Cinderella. :Shedevil:
"Images and Words" is probably DT's best and untopped album - funny you come to speak of them - had "A Change of Seasons" in my player this morning and really liked it! :)

To list some favourite ballads it is (a) to early to wreck my brain like that and (b) I must admit to not even know many of the tracktitles I really love -- I'm often quite lazy looking up the tracklist and erm... not too bothered. *shame*

Have you noticed though that if a metal band gets really high into the charts - it is with one of their ballads?
I mean, look at what happened to the SCORPIONS in the end!
That's really great for them! I have no idea what's in the charts for I can be most sure not to like any of it and the odd metal track that gets lost there I would have heard of some other way. :)
I'm happy for every (metal!) band that makes it up there - and cannot quite understand people who start disliking a band as soon as it gets "famous" and start to talk about "sell-out"....
I think many people like the "exclusive" feel of being into bands that other people either haven't heard of or don't like. I think some bands attract a entirely new audience once they get a hit single and then the original fans feel a bit let down. Hard to explain really.

But like you Madrigal, most of the time I wouldn't have the first idea what's in the charts or not. Usually the worse it sounds, the higher up the charts it is....hahaha!
hehe! yep, it is usually like that
...the black metal band "satyricon" rules the charts here in norway :)
it pretty much sucks that ALOT of people are buying their new can see fourteen year olds pick up the album if you enter a norwegian recordshop nowadays..they are not even fans of metal..but since black metal has become popular over here, they are buying the fucking album.

NP: helloween - mr ego