Best band-Worst song


Obey my dog!
Apr 24, 2005
Does anyone have a an absolutely terrible song they hate from a band they love?

My number one is Night of the Unborn by Mercyful Fate from Don't Break the Oath. The King sounds like he's singing as he's just waking up from sleeping off a bad acid trip.:loco:
probably any random M.O.D. song but Ive only heard their first two I don't have firm opinion yet...

but best band worst song:celtic frost-cold lake (I guess)
schenkadere said:
Does anyone have a an absolutely terrible song they hate from a band they love?

My number one is Night of the Unborn by Mercyful Fate from Don't Break the Oath. The King sounds like he's singing as he's just waking up from sleeping off a bad acid trip.:loco:

I like this song!
I can't stand Revolution by Judas Priest.
That Bon Jovi-esque song from Megadeths RISK... "I´ll be there" is fucking terrible. When THEY are comming for me they´re gonna use this as torture on me. And fuck "Ecstasy" from that album too.
gaschamber said:
but you cant tell me you dont like bitter peace...its like the 11th track of divine intervention.

Bitter Peace is the first song on Diabolus in Musica

I happen to love Diabolus:headbang:

I also really like the most loathed cd by Slayer which is Undisputed Attitude. That cd did not come out of my player for almost a whole summer. Great fucking album!!!!
Mr Bungle The Bends,in fact i hate the Disco Volante album such a disappointment after the firat album
I would have to go with

Weedeater-Gimme me back my Bullets
S.O.D.- Seasoning the Obese
Tool- Catch Scratch Fever
Scissorfight-Too drunk to fuck

*edit* I put this in the wrong thread, it should be in the rare tracks thread. Whoops
stuglue said:
Mr Bungle The Bends,in fact i hate the Disco Volante album such a disappointment after the firat album


Disco Volante is their best, way better and more original than the first.......

They were great on Disco Volante tour........