Best Bass heads and cabinetts in your opinion

I really like the MESA BOOGIE and AMPEG heads (in fact i´m the proud owner of an SVT-3 PRO :D ) MESA is so good do have an overloaded sound, really heavy, AMPEG has a heavy sound too but more defined in my opinion (the 9 band equalizator works really fine for me)...
About cabinets don´t know what to say,only that i prefer the response of a cabinet equiped with 4x10´s better than 1 or 2x15´s ...the sound again is more defined...
I play Warwick heads and cabs partly because they are much better value for money than either ampeg or ebs or swr and partly because they are very versatile. The blue leds are just a bonus along with the weight of the cabs.
When it comes to build quality the Warwick is bullet proof where as Ampeg is not. I found this out the hard way by buying a svt 3 and it going wrong mid gig.
I play a lot of thrash style metal and liked the warwicks modern sound ment that each not could be heard without too much adjustment.
I would like to buy a swr head and cab but they are very much over priced for me