best/cheapest way to record?

MBox is pretty hott right now

Personally i say spend some decent money and get some semi pro gear that will last you longer. look into the

PreSonus FIREPOD 10-Channel FireWire Interface with Cubase LE

Its $150.00 more than the Mbox2 but its super pro, infact andy sneap uses one.

The M-Audio Delta 1010 PCI Digital Audio System

Is around the same proce as the firepod if you dont have a firewire connection.

If you have firewire and want to go a bit cheaper i HIGHLY reccomend

PreSonus FIREBOX 24-bit/96kHz FireWire Recording System

If thats still out of your price range

M-Audio Delta 44 Digital Recording System

I wouldnt go any cheaper than that if you do your better off just plugging a mic right into your soundcard ...

Good Luck
and what do you think about recording guitars and basses with sm57 + usb m-audio audiophile?
(a lot of questions to guru today :D)
I'm going to disagree with that one if you're talking about quality and not having a massive number of ins and outs at your disposal. Both are based around the Envy24 chipset, so if you're just doing guitars the only advantage the 1010 would have would be the built-in preamp - but for versatility it never hurts to have several preamps at your disposal. Yeah, the Audiophile is limited in the number of tracks it can take in, but guitarists don't often need to worry about more than two mics (we usually have enough trouble with one) at any given time.

If you have plans to expand the rig and get into drum recording and such, go for the 1010, but if guitar is all you want then the 2496 will be fine - spend what you save on more mics (give the Audix i5 a try some time, it makes the 57 sound like a blanket was thrown over it), mic preamps, and other such nonsense.

Ahhh .. Jeff to the rescue again.

I did not know the Audiophile was the Envy chipset. I thought it was much lower quality due to the price. Never really looked at the audiophiles specs....

So let me retract my former statement ...

Audiophile ... HELL YA !!

Personally i still want a firepod.
Oh ... and in addition ...

Totally agree with Jeff onhe Audix i5, probably the best mic I have ever purchased for the money. I stil luse my 57's but the i5 just has this clarity on a V30 that just makes me go .... ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yea !!!!!!!!!!!
Oh ... and in addition ...

Totally agree with Jeff onhe Audix i5, probably the best mic I have ever purchased for the money. I stil luse my 57's but the i5 just has this clarity on a V30 that just makes me go .... ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yea !!!!!!!!!!!
Can't blame you on the Firepod. When I was looking to start building my rig I decided that I'd be better off spending a lot of money on one good thing and having the rest catch up to it - the 2496 is essentially there just to be a badass converter and that's the end of that. I got some cheap pres and built some fun stuff, and I started with just one SM57 and bought an i5 later. I've seen plenty of other things but the Audiophile is a purchase I haven't thought twice about - amazing for the money, and more than good enough for a new user to not have to worry about it being the weak link in the chain.

OK i got 1 of these..."M-AUDIO AUDIOPHILE 2496"
Now what do i need to connect my guitar to it?
mixer plus mic? if so whats a good CHEAP mixer (only need a few inputs)
Technically you dont even need the mixer, you can run a mic right into the Audiophile and BOOM .. your good to go.

I don't think that's entirely true, unless your mic has the output of a thousand SM57s... unlike other popular cards (1010, Firepod, whatever) they do not have built-in mic preamps. You can build them, you can buy them (look at ART and M-Audio - I use two modded ART Tube MPs, another good option in that range would be the M-Audio DMP3), but you will need them. One for each mic, so if you're running single you can just go with one Tube MP. Personally I see this as an advantage - not having to work around poor preamp circuits in cards or pop things apart to use a preamp that I want to use - but if you find this to be a pain in the ass... welcome to recording.

I wouldn't go with a mixer for one channel because then you're just buying a bunch of stuff that you won't be using anyway and you can just grab a preamp or two to take care of everything. I would also steer clear of Behringer, because their build quality is poor and they're unethical as all hell (their business model revolves around reverse engineering, slightly modifying, and then selling as their own), so if you do go that route you'll be better off finding something from someone else.

Also, do keep in mind that Andy Sneap, producer extraordinaire, has a board here that revolves around recording and mixing well. It's a great board to ask questions and learn the ropes, so give it a look sometime.

I'm looking at this stuff too. At the moment I'm thinking M-Audio 410. Feature wise it has what I need, and some things I'd like on top. Hows the quality on these things? Compare to say the firebox (which I probably wouldnt get). The other thing is how much more of a step up is the Firepod/1010 stuff (which I could think about getting)?

Ideally the 410 has two headphone outs for when my mate and I jam (modeller/electronic drum kit, gotta love apartments!), plenty of outputs, and two seperate line-ins on top of the two pre-d ins.