best cover songs...

Twelve said:
Has anyone heard decapitated cover of lunatic of gods creation?
Yeah I heard it from The Negation. They do a good job. That's a Deicide song right (I hate them by the way).
misfit said:
Slayer - Hand Of Doom
there ^^ -> read posts

and i fail to see how the aces high cover by arch enemy is awful, let alone an insult. id love to hear more fast pace covers of maiden songs.

the guitar work in the song is brutal yet still maintains the tone of the original. its good cover.

one i forgot was Sepultura - Orgasmatron (just saw the Satyricon one heh)
Eternal Tears of Sorrow - Black Tears (kicks HUGE ass)
Moonsorrow - Tulkaapa Äijät
Children of Bodom - Latomeri
Dimmu Borgir - Sorgens Kammer (Yes, it is a cover)

mm.. Cant really think enymore right now.
umm dimmu borgir-metal heart........i like the whole solo in the middle
also the cradle of filth-black metal cover from venom