Best current amp sim and impulses for leads?

For stuff like delay and verb I use the Soundtoys stuff, which has a dry/ wet knob, which is cool because you don't need to set up an aux or do parallel stuff. I printed solos with delay and everything on top of them , compression etc... can I try putting verb on it now or should I reprint it so I can throw the verb before the limiter?
Yeah, I'm in REAPER and most plugins have the Dry/Wet faders as well.

I just prefer to have the FX on their own track and also you can pan FX as well in the [i/o] UI. So I like to physically be able to pan my verb for TOM 1 to wherever that tom actually sits in the stereo field. Not sure if this is good or bad, though!
I got ReCabinet 3 the other day and found that the combination of the LePou LE456 and the "Eagle" cab sim worked very nicely for lead tones.
What else is close to the TSE X50 ?
What Lepous are ?

Yeah when I use sims, I'll use x50 or LeCto for everything Rhythm related, one or the other usually works. I might use the opposite one for leads, or LeXtac for rock leads. I only use sims for mixtests though, productions get live amps.
After years of owning/using just about every commercial software modeler out there as well as most of the popular free ones, for maximum tone quality as well as flexibility and fx options, I have settled on Overloud TH2 + Redwirez IRs
I'm liking Nick Crowe's a little fuller/darker sounding than TSEx50 but seems to be a good choice for leads or as a way to get your rythm tracks wider by using a different amp. Either/or/both at the same time maybe lol Stuff is getting so good, I don't even care if there's any reverb or effects on my guitar tracks any more, maybe haas effect and call it good.

I'm fine tuning an impulse for leads, but this one was an ok starting point:

Here's TSEx50 & NC8505, couple overdrives, TubeDriver & SHB-1 (bass). Some of these sites don't connect for me so sharing them from my Dropbox so nobody else has to wish they could get the damn things lol

I'm finding that you can use Tubedriver for a little DI boost and less plasticy pick attacks. But Nick Crowe stuff seems to already have that kind of thing in it.
For leads, I always use not the X50, but the X30. The X30 I always find has this really nice liquidy tone. This is a really recent mix I did, using the X30 as lead (Lecto for Rhythm).

Go to 1:57 to hear the Solo.

EDIT: Oh yeah, fair bit of compression, very slight reverb and a generous amount of delay.
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For leads, I always use not the X50, but the X30. The X30 I always find has this really nice liquidy tone. This is a really recent mix I did, using the X30 as lead (Lecto for Rhythm).

Go to 1:57 to hear the Solo.

EDIT: Oh yeah, fair bit of compression, very slight reverb and a generous amount of delay.

Sounds good, so you're doing reverb first in the chain, then delay? I'll try that. Also, how do you get the soundcloud thing to embed?
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Yeah, I always compress it a lot.. I can't remember the exact gain reduction, but it was definitely something like what you said. High gain solo's don't really have any dynamics worth talking about so there's no harm in compressing them a lot :D

And yeah, I just checked and I have reverb first in the chain... If you wanted the actual delay effect you would have it before so the delay had something to grip onto and repeat, but I'm just using it lightly for a more washy effect... So yeah, X30 -> Reverb -> Delay, and I had compression on the folder track with all the solo tracks on.

Oh and you just put SOUNDCLOUD and /SOUNDCLOUD but both in square brackets, and just post the url of the track you wanna embed. On the advanced post it does it for you :)
Yeah, I always compress it a lot.. I can't remember the exact gain reduction, but it was definitely something like what you said. High gain solo's don't really have any dynamics worth talking about so there's no harm in compressing them a lot :D

And yeah, I just checked and I have reverb first in the chain... If you wanted the actual delay effect you would have it before so the delay had something to grip onto and repeat, but I'm just using it lightly for a more washy effect... So yeah, X30 -> Reverb -> Delay, and I had compression on the folder track with all the solo tracks on.

Oh and you just put SOUNDCLOUD and /SOUNDCLOUD but both in square brackets, and just post the url of the track you wanna embed. On the advanced post it does it for you :)

Awesome, thanks! Yeah when I first tried the X50 for leads, I didn't like it, but after I put about 15-20 db of GR and the delay, it sounded MUCH better. Also everyone always says to up the mids for solos, but honestly it wasn't until I lowered them that I got a good tone... might just be my particular guitar though.