Best D.T. album cover


I am one sick fuck
Oct 28, 2001
Dallas, TX U.S.A.
Has to be ENTER SUICIDAL ANGELS.....I love that photo. The woods next to my old apartments looked a lot like it in autumn at sunset.

....And The ORIGINAL cover for Skydancer is MUCH better than the remastered cover. Just my opinion...
My version of Skydancer/Of Chaos And Eternal Night, has the original cover, which is kind of destroyed though, because of the record comany made the right upper corner black with the text 'Special Twin-package including the Of Chaos And Eternal Night Mini-CD' on it...
my favourite dt album cover would be the gallery though. somehow it seems to fit nicely with the music on the album... at least to me it does.

(though the same goes for the original skydancer cover, and - now i think of it - also for projector and haven... anyway, i still like the gallery gover the best)
Originally posted by Joost
My version of Skydancer/Of Chaos And Eternal Night, has the original cover, which is kind of destroyed though, because of the record comany made the right upper corner black with the text 'Special Twin-package including the Of Chaos And Eternal Night Mini-CD' on it...

mine too- that sucks

however thats gotta be my fave - together with haven
the minds i one is quite scary in a strange way...:loco:
Originally posted by Joost
my favourite dt album cover would be the gallery though. somehow it seems to fit nicely with the music on the album... at least to me it does.

Lol, someone once told me that the artist that painted the cover of 'The Gallery' was the same guy that painted the insigna for the Goteborg fish fair, or something like that...
He also painted a fish bench as far as I know... anyway, his field is graphics, isn't it? What's strange about it?

Anyway, I don't change my mind, Niklas is a great artist, and though maybe his best cover is that for 'Deathflower', a MCD by Fields of Asphodel (an Italian band that comes from my same city), I'd say that Haven remains my favorite cover art.
Originally posted by phyre
The "Gallery" artist is Kristian Wåhlin aka Necrolord, who has done cover artwork for ATG - Slaughter, Tiamat - Clouds, Wildhoney, Astral Sleep, Sumerian Cry, Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse, Liers in Wait (his own band) and lots of others.. In case you didn't know. Don't know about that fish thingie though ;P

Hey Phyre....

Does Whalin have a website with more of his stuff on it?!.....or even a Diabolique website.....I've looked everywhere and can't find it.

MY favorite of his is Ebony Tears "Tortura Insomnia" and Sacrilege "Lost in the beauty you slay"
Phyre, if this Whalin guy has a website, we gotta get it....

Anyway, my favorite album cover would have to be Skydancer. Really, who hasn't at one time or another found themselves in a dreamscape like that, surrounded by this insipid landscape and just wanting to drift into the flaring glories of heaven? Actually, I'm probably the only one, but still, it's a nice dream to have.
Originally posted by Malveaux

really that's his artwork???

I suppose he meant the US reissue -cover. The original Skydancer-cover is a photo by Kenneth Johansson, the Hasselblad photographer.

-Villain (the you-know-what-encyclopedist)
lol i was thinking the same thing.........but than I thought that might be too obvious and perhaps he was talking about someting else............
(the original) Skydancer...cause it gives me a wonderful feling of tranquillity :)

hehe i am probably lost in space....i had no idea that there is a US Skydancer re-release....nice cover,but the original is far better