Best distortion pedal?

What amp are you using? The amp is going to really determine how good your distortion pedal is going to sound. Are you planning on using it to overdrive the preamp in the amp, or just as a pedal through a clean channel?
Once again, This boils down to simple use for what you want, Are you playing live? Are you recording? Or are you just simply jamming out in your bedroom? The amp your using really isnt going to make a difference. If the Dist on the amp sucks thats why your seeking more gain or pehaps just another flavor of gain. So considering most people wouldnt even dare to try and overdrive thier main preamp (Sounds like shit) I can almost garuntee you'll be running that pedal either into the effects loop, or the clean channel of the amp :) Good Luck in deciding;)
Slightly overdriving a tube preamp can be crucial to get good tone, IMO. It's certainly not a bad thing, unless you push it to clip... but that's something you try to avoid...

EMGs with a PA-2, or using a DS-1 to drive a cheap tube amp is a good thing, in my experiences...

Nothing like the sound of some glowin tubes though.
Hey guys.

I'm the man responsible for creating the Tube Zone overdrive mentioned in the post above. I saw that there was some discussion, so I thought I'd drop by to answer any questions.
Another thing worth looking at are things such as the mesa v-twin, which can be used as both a distortion pedal and a preamp. Works best as a preamp and quite nicely if you boost the signal going in some what and pre or post eq it. And it's all valve. Indestructable as well, I used one for years and it held up very well.

Maybe not the "scooped" sound that everyone seems to like though, so ...