Lol V5 I think most of those albums equal eachother out. But I understand your a big Suffocation fan so I can't argue. I really like Effigy alot too but Its really ahrd for me to decide and I was really impressed with The Rack so I had to vote Asphyx. But personally my favorite Asphyx album would be "Last One On Earth". TO get back to topic... In general it would be between...
The Rack
Effigy Of The Forgotten
Mental Funeral
Testimony Of The Ancients
Soulside Journey
Blessed Are The Sick
Into The Grave
Unquestionable Presence
Err well its hard like I said. I mean you got Atheist, Entombed, Death, Cancer ... shit man... Just good bands. There can't be a best. I mean were talking about legends here. But If I had a gun to my head and I had to name the best 5 heres what they would be. In no order
The Rack
Effigy Of The Forgotten
Testimony Of Ancients
Mental Funeral