Best drum samples for live use ?


gain induction
Mar 3, 2008

I'm assembling a sampled kit for use with triggers live. Any experiences on what should samples for a live setting sound like ? Last time i've used the sneap snare, but it was too bright when run through the PA... and maybe there are better options... or maybe some of you have some experience with this sound do samples live...
This doesn't help you at all, but I'll ask lol; I understand wanting to trigger the kick and sometimes toms, but most FOH engineers can manage to get a decent snare sound... why not just mic it??

Anyways, if you choose not too, I'd go with a meaty, more "live" sounding sample; one that has balls. The Sneap sample, or anything Slate, probably wont be good because they are already really processed. But at a venue the sound guys is going to EQ (hopefully), and you will get a natural reverb of sorts just because of the PA being in a big room.

Yeah... I might be wrong, but that's my two cents!!!
We usualy go with 100% triggers in small venues that have no outboard equipment, so the soundguy can't get a decent sound (besides, we have a mapex M series drums, which aren't bad, but aren't the best sounding). When we play bigger venues we usualy tell the soundguy that we deliver him the trigger signal, and if he finds it usefull he can blend it together with the acoustic sound.. whatever sounds the best out front

Also the triggers help to level out the playing dynamics of our drummer (couse he's usualy all over the place, not on time, and everyday i wish i could stab him with a fork in the eye :Smug: )
The best Sample you´ll ever get is a good drummer, with a good sounding kit!.:kickass:
I just cant see how not micing the drums even in smaller venues, would be beneficial. Cause the FOH guy still needs to "cover" the live played drums up with the Samples, thats gotta sound fake and weird. I dont know!?, Ive never in my 12 years as an FOH engineer had to trigger drums so get a decent sound.......
So maybe its time to go looking for a better drummer!:Saint:
Well it's not like triggers are the evil bastard son that has to be hidden in the basement, the last time i saw All That Remains theye we're using triggers live and it sounded ok.

And yeah, i better drummer would be awesome, although hard to find one where i live.
I dont think Trigger are evil bastards of any thing either!, but said band playes big venues where you can better use triggers and I bet they use Samples of the same drums they use live or studio as reinforcement along with the miced kit!.
All im saying is that if you play small venues with none miced drums and only with triggers for sound, its gotta sound well odd! cause you have to play pretty loud to cover the none miced drum kit!. But if it works for you then cool :kickass: No sweat :rock: