Best Drummer of today?

1. Lombardo of course
2. Portnoy
3. Carey
4. Jason Rullo (underrated)
5. Chris Adler (not a lamb of god fan, but he's good)
Eh, not really. Then again, no offense, but I think Devildriver are kinda bad : /

Anyway, on topic, Absu's drummer is pretty rad.

and whether or not you enjoy DTs music, it's just silly and obstinate to claim that Myung, Portnoy, and Petrucci aren't world-class.
Wait, I'm confused. The thread says drummers of today, and people are saying Lombardo and shit like that.
Zbigniew "Inferno" Promiński.

I'm surprised he hasn't been mentioned yet; this forum officially has AIDS.
I dunno why people feel the need to post their favorite jazz/fusion drummers in GMD.

Anyway I'll also mention Vitek from Decapitated, not because he's dead but because he was fucking good. When he soundchecked his kit before they played live, my jaw hit the floor.
No, from what I know.
He wrote a plug-in for VST type of programs - Drumkit From Hell, and Catch33 drums were programed in that thing.