Best Drummer of today?

actually he doesnt. as much as I like the drum sound on that album, and one of my favorite drum performances ever, Hes playing acoustically( except bass drum), and it isnt the best drum sound.
What the fuck are you talking about? The drum sound on Demigod and The Apostasy is one of the best I've ever heard.

I hated the drum sound on Demigod (despite it being an awesome performance). But the drum sound on The Apostasy was, to quote someone from this board... the greatest sound to ever fuck my ear pussies.
Fredrik in AA. He is fucking tight. Met him this summer. Cool, kind of quiet guy. And then... on stage.... he blew me away.

And Portnoy.
That's how I felt. Those drums are fucking thunderous. That is how a blast beat was meant to sound. The crash cymbal sounds like...I dunno, a big crash, but not actually. It's an awesome drum sound, anyways.
Drummers today - Flo and Frost are up there for speed and technical complexity. Most of the drummers mentioned here used to be good, but are way past their prime, and have been coasting for at least 10 years. I would have really liked to see how far Vitek could take his skills, RIP.
So does anyone disagree that Portnoy is the best to be mentioned in this thread?

I'm gonna have to disagree, he's neither the best drummer nor best metal drummer. This is all opinion of course, but the most impressive metal drummers I can think of are Charlie zaleny for his work with Behold...the arctopus and Asgeir Mickelson for his performance on Spiral architects 'A Sceptic's Universe' album. People like flo, roddy, kolias etc get props for being so fast. I don't think any of these guys can hold a candle to people like of Dennis chambers, Steve gadd or Jack DeJohnette though.
I'm gonna have to disagree, he's neither the best drummer nor best metal drummer. This is all opinion of course, but the most impressive metal drummers I can think of are Charlie zaleny for his work with Behold...the arctopus and Asgeir Mickelson for his performance on Spiral architects 'A Sceptic's Universe' album. People like flo, roddy, kolias etc get props for being so fast. I don't think any of these guys can hold a candle to people like of Dennis chambers, Steve gadd or Jack DeJohnette though.

Roddy and Flo > Gadd, Chamber, I seriously doubt they could even proform Roddy's sets live. Yea...
Roddy and Flo > Gadd, Chamber, I seriously doubt they could even proform Roddy's sets live. Yea...

There different types of drummers really, gadd and chambers couldn't play at the speed of roddy or flo, but I can guarantee that neither roddy or flo could play with the unique feel that gadd and chambers have, nor have they come up with as many unique and interesting beats, fills or solo's. I've seen roddy trying to play jazz, it wasn't pretty! I'll take that over speed anyday, but I still love watching roddy and flo play, they are great drummers that have inspired my own drumming, but people like gadd and chambers are on another level to me, they have a unique way of approaching the drumset and it comes through in their playing, but then again they have been playing for longer and have probably played with a much wider range of musicians and styles.
Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater)
Bobby Jarzombek (Spastic Ink)
Thomas Haake (Meshuggah)
Tim Yeung (Divine Heresy)

And last but not least:

Yanic Bercier (Quo Vadis)

There is a few more that aren't coming to mind.
There different types of drummers really, gadd and chambers couldn't play at the speed of roddy or flo, but I can guarantee that neither roddy or flo could play with the unique feel that gadd and chambers have, nor have they come up with as many unique and interesting beats, fills or solo's. I've seen roddy trying to play jazz, it wasn't pretty! I'll take that over speed anyday, but I still love watching roddy and flo play, they are great drummers that have inspired my own drumming, but people like gadd and chambers are on another level to me, they have a unique way of approaching the drumset and it comes through in their playing, but then again they have been playing for longer and have probably played with a much wider range of musicians and styles.

I think this is a good post.

But first of all, I am shocked that no one mentioned Sean Reinert. He was the first drummer that came to mind. To relate this post to my own, I think Reinert is one of the few drummers who has mastered both the, "fast, agressive" style of metal drumming, and the, "cerebral, well-rounded, technical" style of jazz.

One listen to Death's Human, then the mix of both on Cynic's Focus, and the full-fledged jazz-fusion drumming of the Gordian Knot albums proves the above.