Best emg for cleans

Another vote for the 89! I just picked up a Schecter Hellraiser C-1FR that has the 89 and 81TW and the coil tap gives a much larger range of cleans. Also, wire that baby in 18V. I know some people don't hear a difference, but the headroom for clean opened up so much for me. :headbang:
For a humbucker i'd go with the 60 myself. If you're ever in the market for a single coil, I can't say enough about the SA. I've got it in the neck position of my Horus with an 85 in the bridge and 18v mod. Sounds sweet as hell.
I'm surprised to see some of you guys advocating the ceramic-magnet 60 over the Alnico 89, especially cuz the 89 has the already-mentioned coil-splitting capabilities