Best extreme metal band

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
I vote for Akercocke. I just don't see many bands as diverse as these guys. Their music is both extreme and melodic, something that suits me very well.
People's opinions on what makes music extreme are so varied. I mean you may as well just post your favorite bands because one person's extreme metal could be another's slow and boring...

Into Eternity has been called Extreme Progressive Metal.

So in that case I'd vote them (they are one of my favorite bands all around)

I can't really pick one band as far as extreme music goes

I LOVE The Faceless.

The bands I've been listening to alot lately though are

Kult ov Azazel
Warrel Dane solo
By extreme, I mean anything that sounds extreme to your ears. Usually black, death, grind, etc., but not limited to that. It could be an amalgam of them all, kinda like Akercocke.
if you want extreme - melodic/black/grind listen to this crap

i think its fucking awesome :p i mean screams grunts clean vocals, blast beats, awesome melodics...just awesome :headbang:

..think its been posted here before though...
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I like a lot of what I hear from The Faceless and also WhiteChapel, but you definitely have to be in the mood for it. At times it can be amazing, and at other times it can cause your ears to bleed!
I still think that Strapping Young Lad are more extreme than every extreme metal band and write better songs and are heavier and faster and more complex than everyone and they are pretty much just fucking around all the time which must make real "extreme" metal bands feel really shitty about themselves.

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I'd personally classify extreme metal as any metal you wouldn't see videos of on MTV...if they do have videos, they're not shown very often.