Best FUCKING whisky

You know whats weird/anoying, I used to do it/sometimes still do it myself. When somone really definitly likes the taste of something, or enjoys something, that is supposed to be 'bad', ie: a cheap cigar, cheap beer, cheap whisky, and people just sit there and tell them how much they shouldn't enjoy it, how they should drink something else, how it tastes bad, etc. when the person is TELLING THEM IN PERSON 'I REALLY ENJOY THIS TASTY TREAT'. Some people enjoy Jack Daniels, or Corona and I don't see what the fuck's the big deal or why people try so hard to convince these people that they do not in fact like JD or Corona and instead like what everyone else decided was the 'good stuff'.
72 stars
I've grown to like Canadian Club Reserve. I'm getting into the Brandy thing lately though, which is COMPLETELY unrelated.


Yeah, jack daniels is complete and utter shit. Sure it's "okay"... if it's all you've ever had. Even then it's really not that great.
Ima goan finish off my bottle of JD here in a minute. According to the cultured Phds here at Retard Corner, I have really bad taste.
Erik said:
yeah because it wasnt my intention to call myself a gay faggot or anything
FWIW, I presumed your comments were meant to take a shot at yourself.

By the way, may I ask how someone your age has any knowledge on this subject? Folks your age in the US, generally don't know (and don't care) about the differences between Tennessee whiskey, small batch bourbon, singe malt scotch, etc.

MFJ said:
dude. JD sucks ass.

Try some Maker's Mark or Jim Beam Black or something. Wild Turkey is pretty great too.

I hope NAD doesn't post in here or else he'll tear my post down.
You said JD sucks ass so I still love you. :)

Wild Turkey is perfectly okay stuff, and their Rare Breed is quite nice. Jim Beam is great for cheap shit. Maker's Mark... ehhh... :loco:

I've been getting into bourbons more lately, although single malt scotch is still definitely my preferred style. Woodford Reserve being pretty high up but right now Rip Van Winkle is the best I've tried. However, my journey with Liquid Kentucky is just starting so I'm still quite new.

Bought a bottle of this recently:



Oh yeah and fuck Johnny Walker. A lot.
Oh, I just noticed the title of the thread is "best FUCKING whisky" in which case I have to cry foul. Whisky makes bitches sick, if you want them to get naked give them anything with Chambord in it. I recommed The Purple Russian which is basically 1 part vodka, 2 parts Chambord, and 2 parts milk. Why not so much vodka? Because you can sneak in that extra boozekick without them going "eww gross too strong."
