Best FUCKING whisky

bought a 1.75L bottle of White Horse the other day ... beginning to agree with Arse Magnum
woo hoo! If i had your number, sexy lurch, Id text you like I just did to some chick. Tomorrow will be interesting im sure.
:rock: drunk texting to chicks when you're already married :rock:
Btw, apparently I didnt wake the young woman up with my texts, cuz I havent heard back....or maybe I did wake her up. That would make more sense.

Tryin' this right now. I don't know shit about whisky except that it gets me drunk.
I've always wanted to buy a really good bottle of something but I can never justify it. The extra $20 could get a tank of gas or whatever. Plus, I have no class. I drink to get drunk. Since my wife will be pissed that I am walking around trying to hump pillows, I might as well not put an extra strain on the situation buy spending more $. Some might say I need a life. :kickass:
As far as bourbons go, NOBODY can touch Old Rip Van Winkle.
Shit yes, that stuff is amazing. Not that I know an extraordinary amount about bourbon, but that is certainly the finest I've tried.


Holy living poop is this some fine shit. At first I didn't like it, too strong of alcohol content and the flavor was a bit... bitey (yes, like the big one). Then I added some water to it as the damn label even tells you to. OH MAN was that some good shit. I'm almost out. I want some more.
Last semester, I went to my rich friend's winter cabin in Vermont and we drank a whole bottle of Glen Garioch 21 and another whole bottle of Glenlivet 21. His dad was pretty pissed, but we were pretty spoiled and drunk.