SOIS is my favorite GR CD at 10/10. It features some of my all-time Gamma-faves such as Beyond The Black Hole, MM&M, No Stranger, SOIS, Valley Of The Kings, and Watcher In The Sky among many others.
I will have to go with Blast from the Past, can't go wrong with basically a greatest hits re-recorded, and I have a special place for No World Order(considering it was one of my first few power metal cds). Dethrone Tyranny and Rebellion in Dreamland are two of my favs.
I will have to go with Blast from the Past, can't go wrong with basically a greatest hits re-recorded, and I have a special place for No World Order(considering it was one of my first few power metal cds). Dethrone Tyranny and Rebellion in Dreamland are two of my favs.
BFTP was very good, but I still prefer the Ralf Scheepers original versions over the Kai Hansen re-takes.
Gotta go with Land of the Free....followed by No World Order and Power Plant....

From the Ralf era - Insanity and Genius
The heaviness of No World Order is why I like that cd over the others, because it kind of makes me not think of Kai's vocals that much, plus it is his best vocal performance, IMHO. I am not the biggest Scheepers fan with Gamma Ray, but I love him much more with Primal Fear. When it comes to power metal with POWER, I like to go with Lost Horizon, but I am still wondering at what they are going to sound like with a new singer, because how can you find somebody to sound like that guy, much like Kai, and Warrel Dane, they have such unique voices, that you don't know what to think at first and are like, what the hell, then you end up liking them because of their uniqueness.
Sigh No More, then Insanity and Genius. Kai era, with the exception of LotF, is just not that good. More and more like Painkiller. Not good.