Best guitar duo in metal ever....

I'll second Steer and Amott. There may be better ones, but those two are definitely my favorite.
As usual, I'm too torn to pick just ONE tandem. So, I'll go for these-the best Tandems in my opinion.

Kerry King/Jeff Hanneman - Slayer
Chuck Schuldiner/Andy LaRocque - Death (ITP album, no tour though)
Bjorn Gellote/Jesper Stromblad - In Flames
Sami Lopakka/Miika Tenkula - Sentenced
Slash/Izzy Stradlin - GnR (Slash and Zakk Wylde surely wouldve beaten them out had the duo actually materialized)
Robb Flynn/Logan Mader - Machine Head
the aforementioned Amott/Steer...

And thats all that comes to mind off hand!
Dave Murray/Adrian Smith - Iron Maiden
Mikael Åkerfeldt/ Peter Lindgren - Opeth
Jack Owen/Bob Rusay - Cannibal Corpse
Karl Sanders/Dallas Toler-Wade - Nile

Well.. those are my picks. I couldn't decide which one, but if I HAD to go with just one... probably Iron Maiden.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Cacophony yet, how can anyone forgett such an amazing duo?????:eek:

Jason Becker/Marty Friedman-Cacophony (the best duo, no contest on my books)

Chuck Schuldiner/Andy LaRocque-Death (ITP)
Ola Frenning/Peter Wichers-Soilwork
Chris Malmstrom/Klas Ideberg-Darkane
Eric Peterson/Alex Skolnick-Early Testament

That's all I can remember :)
Opeth( Åkerfeldt and Lindgren)
Sinergy(The current one is great but it was even better with Stromblad and Laiho)
Arch Enemy(Amotts)
In Flames(Gellote and Stromblad)
Nevermore(Loomis and Calvert)
Any Testament one has been great.
thinking that the in flames duo or the sentenced duo is better from the Judas priest duo for example, is a ridiculus thought, how can u vote in flames and not judas priest...
anyway best duo in my opinion is:
Chris DeGarmo and Michael Wilton-Queensryche
I thought for sure that Glen Tipton and K.K. Downing would be right on top of about every list. I can't claim just one duo either though. Can't forget:
Adrian Smith and Dave Murray
Kerry King Jeff Hanneman
Mikael Åkerfeldt and Peter Lindgren
and I can't believe no one has mentioned
Brian and Eric Hoffman.
I'm glad at least a few mentioned Smith/Murray from Iron Maiden. Not a single of the trendie melodeath bands everyone loves EXISTS without them.

And @Ulvedal: King/Henneman???? Are you daft man!? Best at what? Maybe playing out of tune! ;)