Best horror movie ever?

DumbAss said:
Now it can haunt you once again à la Fantomas.


Crows in my house! Large dogs looking at me funny!:yow: Small evil child on tricycle, get away demon child. o he's mine.

Yeh that probably is the only real scary (for me) horror film! That music scares the pants out of me!:zombie:

hides under desk!

Never seen the 3rd one, the second one isn't scary.
AlexStomp said:
Spidey, did you see the picture of you talking to Charlie that I posted in a different thread?

You're from Pittsburgh right?
Alex, yeah I'm Pittsburgh area. I was looking through those pics and thought some of the backgrounds looked familiar. I remember seeing you backstage at the one show. Man I was hammered! I didn't see myself lurking in the background of any of your pics though. I'll look again. Was it the "Look who we ran into" thread?
the original Trilogy Of Terror from the late 70's with Karen Black. the last story about the women terrorized in her apartment by the african Zuni doll.
anybody see jaws 3d in the cinema? the frog that jumped out of the screen was scarier than the shark.
spitzs lazy eye said:
the original Trilogy Of Terror from the late 70's with Karen Black. the last story about the women terrorized in her apartment by the african Zuni doll.quote]

That was great.

Another good TV horror movie is The Other. They still show that one once in a while.
Carpenter's Thing is the best one ive seen. Its more pyschlogical than most, but more discusting at the same time - especially at 2am and youre all alone....

shame the final scene sucked:


SNAKE: Yeah?...Well fuck you to!

