Best looking male

Is this the dope thread? Well then... I am also doped, on cookies! I know I shall not eat ´em, and that it isn´t fair to the others, but, HELL! I like them so much! MMmmm Cookies!

-phyros (eating cookies)
That's a REALLY great pic OpethianSoul!!! :eek:)
It's so GREAT I think you should post it in the
"pic thread" as well >:eek:P Hehe....

Seriously, it looks like a band pic', who's that
guy in the background by the way?
hmm, I would say Oyo, look at that yellow skin and that smile! He seems like a nice and happy guy! I wish I was that happy in front of a big croud playing music!
Actually Oyo Mark made his own server so you will have to add it, and the room is #ultimatemetal. Anyway its just me in there right now and Protocol is sleeping hehe.