Best mics for recording drum overheads + room.


Nov 26, 2009
I logically deduct that since 99.999999234% of metal drum recordings use sample replacement these days that if I want to upgrade my bands set of mics then the place to spend money is on overheads/room mics so what mics do you guys think are best for recording overhead/room sources?
Plenty of good choices out there man. Oktava 012's are very popular round here. I've used AKG C391B's, Audio Technica ATM450's. I've also heard good things about M Audio Pulsar II's.
there's so many choices man. Oktavas are cool. The NT5's are good too.

as far as room, you can use anything you have laying're gonna compress them as hell anyways. but a pair of Nt1's are cool, a pair of SM57/58's. A mono room could be an SM7b or a Cascade Fat Head. Just be creative with what you already have man.
the newer earthworks sr series. sr40 if i could choose for myself. just has so much "kit sound" in them. maybe thats not for everyone, check them out, they cost alot though.
i really love my modded Oktava mk012s def worth 700 but i modded mine myself. im not sure what glenn does to his. but most of the mods on these are suppose to make them sound just like Neumann KM184s so i would def say go with the neumanns or modded oktava mk012s. i could post a clip of just my overheads if you would like.
i really love my modded Oktava mk012s def worth 700 but i modded mine myself. im not sure what glenn does to his. but most of the mods on these are suppose to make them sound just like Neumann KM184s so i would def say go with the neumanns or modded oktava mk012s. i could post a clip of just my overheads if you would like.

I'd love a clip of MK012 overheads!
I usually use very dark mics for the room. Coles 4038 is a great mic. Been using 184s for overheads but used a big SE valve thing recently. Worked amazingly well.
184's kick ass on oh's. U87's are nice too if you want a bit more beef.
Rooms? Ribbons are where its at TBH. Or 414's in omni