Shure SM81s for drum overheads?


Alas, Tyranny
Nov 15, 2006
Athens, GA
I was thinking about getting an SM81 for acoustic guitars, and thought I may as well kill two birds with one stone and get a pair for drum overheads. Do they work well in this purpose, or are there better mics for the money for acoustic guitar/drums?

I've used them as overheads on one occasion, though it was live and not in a studio situation. They sounded great. If I'm not mistaken they are used fairly frequently in studios as overheads.
I've owned 4 SM81s and they definitely get the job done on OH duties.

That said, if you can save up a bit extra, you'd probably be better off with a pair of Josephson C42s - you can find them used for $600-700. The Oktava MK-012s are amazing for the price as well.
I have gone through several pairs of overhead mics and have settled on atm450s.
They sound really smooth without a 6-7k peak I have found with other mics.
Being side address you can get them higher in a low room too.
I highly recommend them.