Best mix I've done; Ryan/Greg Guitars... need as MUCH constructive crits as possible

Great mix, most things have already been pointed out by others, aside from that, the crashes sound a bit weird (especially at 2:30-end):
e.g. when the drummer plays the left cymbal and on the next hit the right one, the left one just stops completely, that sounds a bit unnatural.
Did you use the Drumkit from Hell Cymbals? Sounds pretty much like them (but pretty good / wide), it would be nice if you could tell me how you processed them.
Also have to say that it sounds pretty much pro.
Will look into the mids issue. Unfortunately I need a better monitor setup, I honestly can't hear a lot of the things you're talking about.. so it's almost impossible to fix them.

That's the issue. If you can't hear them, you can't fix them. So for now maybe do what you can and leave the rest be.

In future works perhaps consider investing more time into the guitars and finding the right sounds for them. Despite how relatively unimportant you feel they are, many listeners zero right in on them because they are in the mids - the one frequency range guaranteed to be in every speaker system the track is reproduced on.
In future works perhaps consider investing more time into the guitars and finding the right sounds for them. Despite how relatively unimportant you feel they are, many listeners zero right in on them because they are in the mids - the one frequency range guaranteed to be in every speaker system the track is reproduced on.

Listening, what frequency would you think to boost with the guitars? I'm thinking around 1khz but my headphones aren't particularly good around that area. I had boosted the mids quite a bit but then cut at 500hz cos it sounded weird. I also need to look into highs.. somewhere between 3 and 5khz needs a cut.
Just heard the final update.
Sounds excellent dude, definitely an improvement over the previous mixes
Damn this forum has some kick ass people. Free reamping again for him, you're a fucking gentleman Greg:rock:
Ok, final bump.. hopefully fixed the guitars, added a tiny bit of highend to the bass, worked on vocals a touch more, added shaker in the chorus (doesn't sound very good.. my room is way too live). Anything else is going to have to be left for mastering.

This is better... drums could be better though.
Nice to hear something different to the average extreme metal of the forum!
Great work!
Morgan, send me the DIs and I'll reamp again for you for free. These were done a while ago, and I think I can do a bit better now :)

Thanks a lot Greg, but this has already been sent off for mastering. I edited the guitars and snare a touch more before I sent it off. I'll post the mastered version here when I get it back from Slate (along with a comparison with the typical GClip -> Elephant chain so you guys can compare that with the new FG-X).