best non metal album of 2002

Probably By The Way... much better than the QOTSA album, though that one was good to... If you don't concider these metal (what else could they be?) Then Believe or Steal this Album!.
Originally posted by Doom
Empyrium - Weiland

What's this one like compared to the old stuff? And what's the difference between the normal version and the 3-CD version (er, aside from the obvious 2 extra CDs, heh, but what's on em?)

Not sure what my favourite non-metal disc for 2002 would be... either Ulver's Lyckantropen Themes or ( ) by Sigur Ros.
Originally posted by Chow Mai Dong
What's this one like compared to the old stuff? And what's the difference between the normal version and the 3-CD version (er, aside from the obvious 2 extra CDs, heh, but what's on em?)

Not sure what my favourite non-metal disc for 2002 would be... either Ulver's Lyckantropen Themes or ( ) by Sigur Ros.

Well, it's pretty similar to their 3rd album, "Where at Night..." but if you mean their other older stuff, as in the first 2, it's not very similar at all. Only similarity is that it's still beautiful, melancholic music - just in a different form. Can't really compare, since they're so different. If you didn't know, it's nearly all acoustic, and some label it "neo-folk". Nothing to do with metal, apart from the odd black metal vocals in 1 or 2 songs.

You should DEFINATELY buy it. There's no difference between the 2 versions. The album is split into 3 "Chapters", so they decided for a limited edition release they'd put each one on a CD. I own the normal version, although I was thinking of getting the 3 CD version, cuz I'm such a fanboy. Apparently it's in a really nice CD case.
Argh, I have so many... here goes!

Dredg - El Cielo, breathtaking prog-rock with many other influences.
Sparta - Wiretap Scars, half of At The Drive-in, need I say more?
Hot Snakes - Suicide Invoice, super punk band which includes members from Rocket From The Crypt!

Well, thats about it. In Absentia was released on Jan 13th in europe, so I suppose it can't be included. :err: