Best Of The Mini-Tour

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
Just got back from that mini-Tour (vacation), heres a list of how the 4 shows stacked up:
Best Show over-All--------------------------------Portland
Best Testament performance--------------------Portland
Best Vio-Lence Performance---------------------Portland
Best Vio-Lence effort------------------------------Phoenix
Best Sound------------------------------------------San Diego
Best Lights------------------------------------------Portland
Best Brawl-------------------------------------------San Diego
Best New Friends Made--------------------------Portland
Most Old School friends--------------------------San Diego
Most Family & friends-----------------------------Sacramento
Youngest Crowd-----------------------------------Phoenix
Oldest Crowd---------------------------------------San Diego
Largest Crowd--------------------------------------Portland
Best Crowd Reaction------------------------------Phoenix
Best Food--------------------------------------------Portland
Worst Food------------------------------------------Phoenix
Most people ejected from show(Omni-Bob)-----------------San Diego
Best Party---------------------------------Las Vegas(Smyth's Wedding)
Best location-----------------------------------------Las Vegas
Longest Bus ride-------------------Portland To Sacramento(15 hours)
Most Testament members present(7)Dette & Christian--San Diego
Most Testament members present runner up--(6) Allen--Sacram.
Best Testament moment------(Jon Allen plays drums)---Sacramento
Most Board Members present--------------------San Diego
Most Cops---------(7 police cars, 12 cops,& 2 detectives)-San Diego
Best party Crashers-----------(uninvited)---------------------Las Vegas
Best Party Security Broke up----(Smyth's Wedding)-------Las Vegas
Most Wasted-------Rob wheel chaired to bus at 4:00am-Las Vegas
Most Wasted runner up's---------------Big T------San Diego, Stevie D
& Phil(Vio)--------Sacramento
Worst Video-----------------(you know who you are)-----Portland
Most wasted as a whole group-------------------San Diego
Best after show party---------(after hours bar)------------San Diego
Best opener-----------------------(Tie)-------Vehemence & Exhumed
Best Crew Job performance----(Tie)----Jeff & Frankie(Test)
Best Crew Effort----------(protecting our own crew) Mike Anderson & Joey Castro(Vio)------------------------------------San Diego
Best time I had---------------------------------------------------Portland
Glad to see you're back DE. I wish I could have seen the band but I'm sure you've read the board and figured out all the things that have happened. I guess I will have to catch the band on the rescheduled dates. Welcome back dude !
Thats messed up, sorry for the confusion, was waiting for you in San Diego, but you never showed, now I know why. Buying a lap top soon, so I can be in contact at all times. That would have prevented this kind of mis-hap. You know shit happens............
hey DE, good to see u back. So aside from the re-scheduled Testament dates that will happen in the future, are there gonna be any other Testament dates or they're gonna concentrate on writing the new album?
You will definately see me at the new shows TL ..... Would like to meet others from the board as well.......... we have less than a month to go now for the new 3 shows :)
Hey... I didn't get to meet any board members - where were they?! I saw Metal4Mom and MetalGathering at San Diego and that was about it
I tried to find you, but no one knew where you were when I asked them. Oh time.........