Best part on VFTSG


Jun 2, 2002
So what do you think is the best part on VFTSG?
Pretty funny, I find the bridge in "A star-guarded coronation" as the best part. It creeples down my neck when I hear it. The part right after the solo ;)

I look forward to hear some other comments here, it can be interesting. :)
I think the best part is on the song Spegelsfären when he sings the part...

hänförd av dess hypnotiska komplexitet
i en allomfamnande universalitet
fantasifullare än sagans poet

..with a fantastic new voice he never showed before.
Originally posted by Futhark
So what do you think is the best part on VFTSG?
Pretty funny, I find the bridge in "A star-guarded coronation" as the best part. It creeples down my neck when I hear it. The part right after the solo ;)

I look forward to hear some other comments here, it can be interesting. :)

that would be one of them

but my personal favorite is the refrain to Spegelsfaren, just screams that classic powerful Vintersorg trademark. Love it, very powerful :headbang:
It is really hard to say...there are so many "best parts on VFTSG"...
But if I had to pick one right now, I'd say the "mental Columbus" part in The Explorer. Just the 3/4 swing and the thick choruses - the whole feel of this part is so killer. I could play a whole album of material like this.
Ok Steve, I'll write an album just with a long chorus like that...hehehehe....I'll reply you mail later god damn busy righ now.

mr V
hey, this is funny, I want too reply the same thing as steve did... It reminds me a bit to symphonic rock like old genesis. I grow up with that music because of my father.

this part is the coolest!:

Hänförd av dess hypnotiska komplexitet
i en allomfamnande universalitet,
fantasifullare än sagans poet
Bildspel sprungna ur själens essens
spränger varje tankes gräns,
ett klot bortom världsalltets kvintessens

Dess yta är klädd av stjärnestoft
som med tusen ögon stirrar
Rakt in i sinnets gömda loft,
i en dimvärld jag ändlöst irrar