best passive pickups for distortion and fun


May 29, 2010
hello guys
Im about to change my pickups to my shechter omen extreme... and I dont know yet what pickup to choose..

I tought about the symor duncen sh4 but Im after the sound of bands like sylosis , sliece the cake and stuff.. more like wall of guitars kind of dist..

any ideas?
thanks.. :)
I know there's not the most love for them on here, but I had a set of Bareknuckle Warpigs (a ceramic set) in my old 7420, and to be perfectly honest they were the most ridiculously huge sounding pickups I've ever tried... Surprisingly quiet too (noise-wise) which was a bonus.

The biggest downside to them (or any BKP) is the price :(
I know there's not the most love for them on here, but I had a set of Bareknuckle Warpigs (a ceramic set) in my old 7420, and to be perfectly honest they were the most ridiculously huge sounding pickups I've ever tried... Surprisingly quiet too (noise-wise) which was a bonus.

The biggest downside to them (or any BKP) is the price :(

I think the BK Warpig is a great pickup for heavier metal applications, DiMarzio SDs too.
Seymour Duncan JB Sh-4. Sound monster! I love it!

I have tried EMG's and almost the whole line of SD's and in the end the JB's were and continue to be my favorite. The JB's have a big open-sounding low end that I haven't heard from any other pickup.
The stock pups in the original Black Jack 7 string are the most wholesome I think Ive heard to date .
The thing is its not really about the pups them selves its how they interact with any particular guitar and thats where the choice gets tricky .
Im gonna have to quiz my bro about his Black Jack again at some point because when ever I play my ideas on that guitar with my gear pedals amp etc it always sounds better than my emg's or invader loaded guitars .
I'm going to quickly threadjack to ask a quick question - all the guitar tracks for the album I'm recording this summer will be done on an XPT700 with the standard D-Activator pickups. Will these be fine enough for a big metal tone, or would a pickup upgrade have a dramatic tonal improvement?
I have a Blackjack 7, and I swapped the bridge pickup for a Duncan Custom SH-5. It sounds amazing!
I have tried EMG's and almost the whole line of SD's and in the end the JB's were and continue to be my favorite. The JB's have a big open-sounding low end that I haven't heard from any other pickup.

Agree, It's the best sounding pickup, it suits all kind of styles too, works great, at least for me.
I'm going to quickly threadjack to ask a quick question - all the guitar tracks for the album I'm recording this summer will be done on an XPT700 with the standard D-Activator pickups. Will these be fine enough for a big metal tone, or would a pickup upgrade have a dramatic tonal improvement?

The D-Activators are acually pretty cool!
The D-Activators are acually pretty cool!

Good to hear, the lack of tone I've experienced could probably be from ancient strings :p Hopefully when its time to record, a new set (of higher gauge too, he's using 10 gauge in C# standard atm) makes a marked tonal difference.