Best post-1996 black metal?


New Metal Member
Feb 19, 2004
I'm making a "History of Black Metal" compilation, and I'm struggling to come up with a great deal of seminal bands for the latter part of it.
The bands I already have are Emperor (which I know a lot of you will disagree with, so don't bother telling me), Summoning, Nokturnal Mortum, Graveland, and Drudkh. Post the bands you consider to have made the most important innovations (NOT just "good black metal," it has to be innovative) from 1997 onwards. Thanks.
Moonbllood - Blut Und Krieg and Taste Our German Steel
Two great albums by a very respected underground black metal band. Also, maybe include Gontyna Kry, all their full lengths were released after 1996.
Several excellent choices have already been mentioned.

I nominate:
rehtaF ruO - Boiled in Goat's Blood
Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God
Astrofaes - Ancestor's Shadows
Hades - The Dawn of the Dying Sun
rehtaF ruO is an innovative band, but hardly anyone likes them.

Megiddo is innovative? :confused: I thought they were an 80s band that'd gained access to a time machine.

Magus Notum is much better than Melechesh.

You mentioned probably the worst Bergthron.
Jadgheim might be the worst (not to me), but it is the more innovative of their outputs.

Never heard Magus Notum.
You can always go with the "industrial" black metal bands:

(latter) Thorns
(latter) Satyricon
Demiurge said:
take your trolling elsewhere. or at least make it more clever or amusing.


Cradle Of Filth-Midian
Dimmu Borgir-Death Cult Armageddon
It usually takes as little as one glance at the attendants of black metal concerts to understand that the majority of (black) metal is for sad little twats. The ultimate of digree of "inovation" occurs when a formerly black metal band grows up and abandons its roots. Anyone playing pissed-off, traditional black metal with horrible screamed vocals in their late twenties (let alone thirties) lacks something in the brain department.

As for the topic, Dornenreich's "Her von Welken Nachten" is an example of a rather innovative album with some black metal elements that don't suck.