Best Power Metal Band? : 2nd Round

Wich one of these bands do you like the least??

  • Nightwish

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Sonata Arctica

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Stratovarius

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • Kamelot

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • Blind Guardian

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • Gamma Ray

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • Hammerfall

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • Rhapsody

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Angra

    Votes: 1 4.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jul 24, 2002
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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NOTE: the QUESTION to the POLL CHANGED and this poll will close in 5 days

I'ved decide to take symphony X out since they are more prog than Power-Metal, although i still believe they have some elements of power metal in some of their songs. Manowar also disaapears since they aren't power-metal at all, my mistake.
Special Entries in this Poll are Gamma Ray

I voted for Kamelot but I LOVE THEM! I thought it was who we liked the most!! Make my LIKE THE LEAST vote for NIGHTWISH!! God how I hate Nightwish:mad:
Sonata Arctica gets my vote, they just have never done anything for me. Silence bored me to tears. Blind Guardian and Gamma Ray crush all. ;)

Originally posted by Wandrail
Sonata Arctica gets my vote, they just have never done anything for me. Silence bored me to tears. Blind Guardian and Gamma Ray crush all. ;)

you didn't vote sonata is still at 0 :lol:
so nobody thinks they are the band that are the less good

you didn't vote sonata is still at 0 :lol:
so nobody thinks they are the band that are the less good

ok i'll keep track : Nightwish is at 2
Sonata arctica 1
Hammerfall 1
Rhapsody 1
Had to go with Nightwish..if I wanted to go to the opera, I'd go to the damn opera. Tarja is a talented singer, but I loathe her opera style..IMO, Nightwish would be some awesome music if she'd shut the hell up.
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
Had to go with Nightwish..if I wanted to go to the opera, I'd go to the damn opera. Tarja is a talented singer, but I loathe her opera style..IMO, Nightwish would be some awesome music if she'd shut the hell up.

I rather like the hybrid actualah......All the male power metal singers aren't doing much different; it's just male opera with high voices instead of deep ones. Yes I know there's no such thing, but it's a paralleled equivalent.
Originally posted by sh0kr0k

I voted for Kamelot but I LOVE THEM! I thought it was who we liked the most!! Make my LIKE THE LEAST vote for NIGHTWISH!! God how I hate Nightwish:mad:

Hmm I acctually did just the same, only with HammerFall...
I will admit that HammerFall is quite cheesy and unoriginal, but still they are one hell of a live band and have some really catchy tunes.

Nightwsih however is the one I would have voted for here, as I can stand them anymore.
At first I found them a bit interessting because they were new and different, but not making any progression through all their album doesnt exactly help them along on the way, pluss their playing sucks!!!
And they are becoming more and more of a band for young pop girls!
Im thinking in a few years time we will have the same mass hysteria around Nightwish as we have had around Backstreet Boys, Westlife and all the other gay boybands.
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
Had to go with Nightwish..if I wanted to go to the opera, I'd go to the damn opera. Tarja is a talented singer, but I loathe her opera style..IMO, Nightwish would be some awesome music if she'd shut the hell up.

I feel exactly the same damned way! Jeez, their music is awesome, but I hate the fact that the few women in the scene seem to think that they HAVE to sing "beautifully operatic and ethereal" BAH! :mad:

I think that's what I like about Dark Moor so much! .....
