Best Rush album post-Moving Pictures?

The Stormbringer
Aug 11, 2002
Okay then... we all know the five masterpieces Rush have recorded between 1976 and 1981, and we are also aware that there were three pretty good albums prior to those (especially "Caress of Steel"). But after them, some of us tend to lose their sight... or at least, I do so. ;)
But I digress... anyway, I have grown pretty fond of the mature, earthbound sound Rush delved into with newer songs like "Driven" or "Ghostrider". Now my question to you guys: which "newer" Rush album (after 1981, that is) is the most recommendable? One of their gritty 90s albums, or even a disc from the poppy, synthesizer-laden 80s?
I'm not a huge 70's Rush fan... I prefer their song-oriented 80's material...

"Hold Your Fire" and "Presto" are my favorite Rush albums... I can't decide which one I like better.
Vapor Trails, Counterparts, and especially GRACE UNDER PRESSURE have to get mentions from me - but POWER WINDOWS is still I think in my top favorites of all time from Rush.

Middletown Dreams, Territories, Mystic Rythms, Manhattan Project, Emotion Detector... no where to go wrong there. :headbang:
Man, that's a tough one! I'd have to say my favorite Rush album after '81 is Signals. It's just got a totally different sound and feeling that I've always loved.

You won't go wrong with whatever Rush album you buy. I remember when Power Windows came out and I totally hated it. I wanted Rush to go back to their old sound. But about 9 years later I pulled it out again and found that it was really an amazing album!! It was really refreshing to listen to Rush playing something different while at the same time putting new feeling in their songs. I ended up buying the rest of their newer albums after that then.

Whatever Rush album you buy next I hope you get a lot of enjoyment out of it.

Hmmmm....Good question.

1) Presto - The Pass, War Paint, Presto, Hand Over Fist, and Chain Lightning are first class..HIGHLY underrated CD.

2) Roll the Bones - BRAVADO, Heresy, Ghost of a Chance, and Neurotica are top notch...GREAT CD

3) T4E - Totem, Resist, Half the World, The Color of Right, and Carve Away the Stone are genius.
Hold Your Fire was my first Rush album--or rather cassette, I wore out two of 'em and now I'm working on the cd. I love Test for Echo--Time and Motion most especially, and Resist, and Totem--all fabulous. The whole album is so evocative and visual. Counterparts is my favorite--it's just so freaking emotional and the lyrics paint amazing pictures. When I first heard Enchant, Counterparts came to mind, because of the power of Enchant's lyrics and the interplay of lyrics and music, the quality and intelligence of the whole package. As with Enchant, you can't go wrong if you choose to invest in all their albums!

Via a red barchetta :)
I think your question has been answered; little did you know you would be opening up Pandoras box!o_O So from what I've read here, every album post Moving Pictures is worth getting and I basically agree. I will say this though, there is a certain thing that Rush did in their writing that moved me more than anything and that was the emotion that seems to have dropped out in past years. One album that I don't think has been mentioned that I absolutely love was Permanant Waves. Different Strings is one of the coolest and heartfelt tunes they've done. Great vibe overall for that record...but I digress. I think my favorite all time Rush album is...drum roll please...Power Windows. I think they really reached a plateau with that album. Alex alone said more to me as a guiter player on that record than just about all the rest of their catalog put together! The Big Money guitar solo is still one of my favorite Alex solo's to date; listen to the use of chords and harmonics...brilliant! :worship: I also think Grace Under Pressure needs mention. After Image & Red Sector A come to mind. Amazing dark vibe that really captured the essence of the lyrics in these tunes, as well as the bass pedal in conjuction with the shrilling srat sound that Alex was using on this CD....very cool!

My top 5 Rush albums in order:
1. Power Windows
2. Grace Under Pressure
3. Permanant Waves
4. Test For Echo
5. Moving Pictures

My 2 cents for what it's worth...well, it's probably worth about...2 cents!

I am not a huge Rush fan, but my favorite Post MP is the next one, Signals. I like GUP and PWindows, but after that I can't say I enjoy or listen to post PW Rush. Still their best is Hemis, & PWaves to me.

Doug I see the NP UK Nite after Nite. I like UK too, and I know you think EJ Green album is one of your favorites. Where the hell do you find that? I think it is out of print, and it sells for like $100 on auctions. Wish I could check it out:erk:

Talking about UK, I think the outro solo on What to Say is somewhat Holdsworthesque. Really cool, and not one of your typically solos, but I wish it wouldnt fade out so fast. My wishlist would be you guys play WTS live, and kinda do one of those extendo solos like the Below Zero live ending.
The post-81 albums I'm familiar with:
Signals (82) : B / 8.4
Hold Your Fire (87) : C+ / 7.9
Presto (89) : B+ / 8.7
Counterparts (93) : B+ / 8.8
Test for Echo (96) : B- / 8.2
Vapor Trails (02) : C+ / 7.8

In my eyes, Counterparts and Presto stand far apart from the rest and belong right up there with Moving Pictures and Permanent Waves as the band's best work.

np: Superior - Younique
I'd have to go with Power Windows or Hold Your Fire. Packed with emotion and incredible lyrics. Mission, Middletown Dreams, Prime Mover, and Territiories have to be in my top 10 favorite Rush songs
jjmannford said:
I am not a huge Rush fan, but my favorite Post MP is the next one, Signals. I like GUP and PWindows, but after that I can't say I enjoy or listen to post PW Rush. Still their best is Hemis, & PWaves to me.

Doug I see the NP UK Nite after Nite. I like UK too, and I know you think EJ Green album is one of your favorites. Where the hell do you find that? I think it is out of print, and it sells for like $100 on auctions. Wish I could check it out:erk:

Talking about UK, I think the outro solo on What to Say is somewhat Holdsworthesque. Really cool, and not one of your typically solos, but I wish it wouldnt fade out so fast. My wishlist would be you guys play WTS live, and kinda do one of those extendo solos like the Below Zero live ending.
I just got all the UK stuff on CD from love it! Always liked that band. The first album is great for me becuase of Holdsworth but I like Bozzio more than Bruford and to be honest the post Holdsworth stuff is my favorite. I really don't even miss him, Jobeson's so good!
As far as the Zinc album is concerned, I'd try EBay. I've seen it on there many times for about $35 but that was a couple of years ago. It's worth it though, one of the coolest albums ever in my opinion!

Thanks for the kudos on What To Say, Alan wasn't a big influence but he was someone I listened to for a while...first UK album, a couple of his solo records and Level 42's Guaranteed album, he does some really cool stuff on that record!

Look forward to catching up with you in March!

Wow, a really hard question.

Honestly, I really don't have a favorite. Perhaps it's unrealistic, but I really can't pick a favorite. I honestly like them all, every one of them. I listen to them very often.

I suppose the ones that have the heaviest rotation are Signals, Test For Echo, Permanent Waves, and Vapor Trails. But man.. there's just no way I can't pick one out as favorite.

Rush is THE band for me. It's hard to put in words.
The Stormbringer said:
Okay then... we all know the five masterpieces Rush have recorded between 1976 and 1981, and we are also aware that there were three pretty good albums prior to those (especially "Caress of Steel"). But after them, some of us tend to lose their sight... or at least, I do so. ;)
But I digress... anyway, I have grown pretty fond of the mature, earthbound sound Rush delved into with newer songs like "Driven" or "Ghostrider". Now my question to you guys: which "newer" Rush album (after 1981, that is) is the most recommendable? One of their gritty 90s albums, or even a disc from the poppy, synthesizer-laden 80s?
i originally liked Signals pretty well but Hold Your Fire blows everything else away. don't like the 90's stuff as much as the 80's stuff but Counterparts and Echo have their good points. hated Vapor Trails and Roll the Bones.
Slipperman said:
i originally liked Signals pretty well but Hold Your Fire blows everything else away. don't like the 90's stuff as much as the 80's stuff but Counterparts and Echo have their good points. hated Vapor Trails and Roll the Bones.
Wow! Some love for "Hold Your Fire"! I too hate "Vapor Trails", and "Roll the Bones" is pretty awful except for "Dreamline" and "Bravado".
I have 5 Rush albums that never get old and will stay in my CD changer for weeks if I put them in....

My Top 5 are...(drum roll please!)

1. Permanat Waves (always #1 for me!)
2. Presto
3. Counterparts
4. Moving PIctures
5. 2112
