Jethro Tull- Aqualung, Rush- Moving Pictures Live


Apr 14, 2008
Saturday here in LA, Jethro Tull will perform Aqualung in it's entirety for the 40th anniversary and next week Rush plays Moving Pictures.

Who's going?

I've seen Tull twice and they are great live, but their best work by far is Thick as a Brick and I don't know why they just don't play the whole thing ever. Aqualung is quite good though, explores did God create man or did man create God. And for those of you who don't know music existed before 1983, Cross Eyed Mary is from Aqualung. Still, the song My God and Wind Up, should be pretty cool live. Ian Anderson is one of the best flautists in any genre and it's a sight to see live!

Rush- Now this is one band I with I could write the set lists for. 2112, Farewell to Kings, Hemispheres, DONE! Throw in some Caress of Steel for good measure. Drop in a tad of Permanent Waves. Why they continue to record mediocre albums, is beyond me. Where did their writing talent go? Yeah, there are some good tunes on all their albums, but as a whole, a definite regression. Moving Pictures, hmm? Explain this one. Last tour they played almost every song off the album anyway so WTF! Is Moving Pictures a dud? Nah, it's pretty damn good, but it ain't no Hemispheres.

And really? You had to cut out your best song, Natural Science? Come on guys. And did you guys forget you once recorded a song called Jacob's Ladder?

No Rush album is bad, but Moving Pictures was definitely the beginning of the not so fantastic.

Still, watching 3 guys on stage play like machines, is quite something to see.

U2 is also coming up, but let's face it. U2 is gay. Bono is a dickhead and the Edge doesn't play the guitar, he plays a delay pedal. Larry Mullen Jr. is as good as the drum machine on my old Casio keyboard. Can anyone even here Adam Calyton? Still, The Unforgettable Fire is great! Still, I know I will be there because they are pretty good live, and there will be guaranteed to be loads of hot chicks there!

If you don't go to Jethro Tull or Rush then you're missing out.
I saw Rush on their last tour through here (last Aug.?) at Universal Amphitheater. Yes, their mastery and finesse with their instruments is something to experience live, indeed, plus the sound was amazing. (Because I saw them fairly recently I'm not going again tonight.) But you're obviously a much more discerning Rush fan than me, Acujer.

I never could hang with the flute in rock. Maybe because I first heard it as a kid and it just struck me as But now as an old timer I do recognize the talent involved but it still ain't my cuppa tea. I knew "Cross-Eyed Mary" was Tull's song but it always annoyed the fuck out of me (to put it bluntly). That said, performing it as a Maiden cover was actually really fun for me vocally and it made me not hate the song.

U2, yeah, I'm pretty much with you on that... "plays a delay pedal"--haha, no doubt!
Saw Rush last night at Gibson Amphitheater (formerly Universal Ampitheater). There is no opening act so get there early! The show started at approx. 7:45 pm. Rush plays 2 sets with an intermission - Moving Pictures is played in entirety during second set. The lighting, sound, HD video projections were incredible, as was the musicianship (as always). My first time seeing Rush was the Signals tour and I've seen them almost every time they've come to the Los Angeles/OC area since!
The first time I saw Rush was the Moving Pictures tour. I don't think they played the entire album then, but I certainly would love to hear it now! Unfortunately I'm going to miss this tour. The last time I saw them they played a 3hr? set, man it was long, but I was truely impressed! I wish maiden would do that.
^ Getting off topic here... I agree. Maiden should ditch the opening act and start playing and evening with Iron Maiden shows. maiden 2 sets, longer maiden time! 100% vote for me. They have the material to fill those shoes for sure!