The Jethro Tull thread.

Tull at times was just as heavy as Sabbath but they were far deeper and thier music spred out much further. Its interesting to hear the mention of being bluesy because at the time one would not have considered them to be playing the blues as opposed to Zep I or some earier Deep Purple songs. Far more folk and classical feel I think.
True. I think it would be more accurate to say that their older material is bluesier than their later, more well-known material, but not strictly "blues" music. "Beggar's Farm" is certainly a blues song though.

And they are, at times, just as heavy as Sabbath, you're right.
Maybe I can see why the grammys had them up for a metal award :lol:

All right, lets get this straight because metal heads can be such pin heads at times. First of all the catagory was hardrock/heavy metal so this alone did not make it exclusive to what metal heads think makes the world go round... which at the time was Metallica... yeah thats right... the very same band that metalheads today say are not metal... refer to my pinhead comment.

Next,anyone thats been around awile knows the grammys is slow to embrace anything outside of the norm, this being the first time in Tulls long and extremely successful career that they acknowledged them (to my knowledge). I can hardly remember anything from Crest but I did have younger metal friends at the time that did like the album, so at that point it goes back to my first point as to what the award was... hardrock/metal

Lars comment the next year was only early proof of some of his problems that have surfaced since. He should be greatful to be in the same class of "super" bands that share wide spread, long career fame such as the likes of Jethro Tull, its a rare and hard place to get too and your in the company of few. So he was damn right... maybe it was a good thing Tull didnt release another album that year.

The grammys makes huge mistakes in taste every year that I can think of and there was no mistake that year. Tull deserved some fucking recognition long before Metallica. The biggest thing was a bunch of pin... I mean metalheads made a big deal about it like little babies that didnt clearly grasp... HARDROCK/METAL

These same pinheads think Black Sabbath solely, singlehandedly created "heavymetal" and out of the clear blue at that. Ignorance is bliss
Always glad to hear someone say "I'm not a pinhead... I dont want to be a pinhead " :heh:

Seriously though it was a PITA or POS at the time because it was just all too dramatic and so many still ride that boat.