Best sounding out-of-the-box drums


Apr 4, 2005
Hey guys

So i wanted to create som drum tracks, that i can use for practicing. Some time ago i read about the EZX Metal Machine expansion, and how it sounded really great right out of the box. The suits me perfectly. I now notice that new product has been released since then, called EZX Made of Metal.

So what im asking is, which of these two would suit me better? Im a musician and not an engineer, so i dont want to spend a lot of time fiddling with compressors, eq, filters etc. I just want to spend my time creating music. But im still picky regarding sound quality.

So which of these two sound the best right out of the box? And is there any other products that might suit me even better?

Jay Jay
EZD2 actually has a bunch of good mixer presets for each kit, which include some basic compression/eq/etc. I haven't used Made Of Metal, but Metal Machine sounds pretty damn good.
You can't go wrong with either to be honest, though they have different characters to them. MM is more snappy/cracky than MOM I find. Have a listen to the clips on the Toontrack website and you should get a good idea of the difference between the packs.
Metal Machine. It's more pre-processed. You have to do a moderate amount to get it to really slam, but the basic sound only requires maybe 2-3 cuts/boosts per mic to sound usable in a mix.
when you're not interested in mixing, then you won't go wrong with any expansion pack, stock presets sound decent or better said are OK sounding.

real fun begins when you go deeper, route outputs into your DAW and you'll process it like you would real drums.
havent used made of metal, but metal machine is the shit. if you are a fan of andy's drum sounds you wont be disappointed.
I would have to say EZX Metal! is the best. When you load it the default preset is actually mix ready. Nothing else I have ever used including Metal Machine has achieved that. Metal Machine is also good, but the Metal! samples are better in my opinion and the default preset is completely ready to go.
I would have to say EZX Metal! is the best. When you load it the default preset is actually mix ready. Nothing else I have ever used including Metal Machine has achieved that. Metal Machine is also good, but the Metal! samples are better in my opinion and the default preset is completely ready to go.

The default preset rules and I blend it into every mix I do, but pretty much every other preset and kit piece, since it sounds like they're just differently-EQ'd versions of the same samples, sounds like shit. But I blame Toontrack for that, not Bergstrand/Suecof, since there's only so much you can do with that foundation until you're boosting/cutting in places that don't need it.
I have Metal Machine and it's pretty damn good. Though the rides always seem a bit quiet in comparison to everything else. And I still cannot seem to route out the entire kit onto their own separate tracks (all toms baked onto a single stereo track, ride/china baked into the overheads track, etc) and the GUI is a bit small which makes it sort of hard to deal with panning inside the built in mixer.