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Im ambivalent towards Dana. He's kind of a dick and gives fuck all about the fighters that butter his bread, but appreciate that he's a straight shooter.

Fooqin hysterical when one of his golden boys gets merked too. Ye know damn well he wanted Adesanya to beat Jan to set up a Jones/Stylebender superfighter. It didnt go his way, and dude looked like he just took a whiff of Amanda Nunes' underoos. Hysterical.
So yea modern TV sucks dick. Im not paying for it, and you would be an ostrich with his head in the sand if ye think theres not an agenda at play. Count how many commercials consist of an all white grouping. Close to 70% of the populace, but ye think this would be South Africa 2.0. Probably heading in that direction, but were not there yet

Im not paying for this shit, nor am I watching it. So dont hit me with that "dur dur youre a hypocrite shit.".
well i guess i was wrong and you do not watch tv except for the things you list and whatever commercials you happen to catch that get your panties in enough of a twist to go on tirades about it on the internet

i mean really if you think getting angry about the racial makeup of dudes in commercials is a productive use of your mental energy then that's cool i guess, have fun with that. yeah modern tv sucks dick, yeah commercials suck, but imo it's not chiefly because the man selling toothpaste is black sometimes
Im a POC my ownself, so im critiquing across the aisle from ye ashen fucks. 25% Mexican sangre is enough to qualify me as a POC by SJW standards is it not? Especially considering that I self Identify the other 3/4ths? I just want more latina babes shilling Corona beer, and less Jermaines selling me GEICO.

Fooqin hysterical when one of his golden boys gets merked too. Ye know damn well he wanted Adesanya to beat Jan to set up a Jones/Stylebender superfighter. It didnt go his way, and dude looked like he just took a whiff of Amanda Nunes' underoos. Hysterical.


That would have been a great fight though. The weight is just too much for Izzy. Broseph got smothered and couldn't overcome it.
Yea massive props to Izzy for even stepping up. Pink haired turd has a huge set of balls and is a true gamer. Unlike Khabib who fights once a year and thinks no one can compete at his level. Which even if this were the case, at least give the division the opportunity to strive to improve and compete against the highest level. Give Do Bronx his rightful shot ye fooqin coward.
My guess is that he thinks he can "gimmick" his way into the spotlight. I dont see him going anywhere beyond Gatekeeper with that shit takedown defense. To even imagine him vs Stylebender is a joke at this point.
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Just watched some highlights of the Askren/Paul fight conference. How the hell do these Paul kids have any people following their hijinks? This Paul kid in particular cant speak even with the help of hooked on phonics. Though he can cuss, stutter, stammer, like the socially maladroit miscreant that he is. Is that all it takes to gather millions of prepubescent milk slurps to a youtube channel?

Askren who generally comes off awkward against adults (I dig his corny ass), coming off ass smooth as KerryGold. Even pie faced the punk and no sold a kidney shot lmao.

Same, everyone is so damn certain Francis knocks his ass out in rd1. More dode slarving from SJWs that love the story of an illegal immigrant who traveled through seven countries and seven seas to follow the boyhood dream. Though I personally got nothing against him, good to see that he made something of himself after humble beginnings. Just want to see some fanboys stifled once more.

On the fence of whether I want to see O'Malley shellacked tonight or by a better name. This Almeida kid is another hype job gone awry and on a 3 fight losing streak. He gets murked tonight, he's gone. O'Malley's a turd, but he has a base of wingnuts just like Jake Paul. Brings in a modicum of viewers.

Whats best for business or a turd getting a trouncing? Conflicted. :!

Oh well, some decent matchups can be made. Francis just too fuggin brolic to deal with.

Jones better be popping the dbol like tic tacs.

Also Cyril Gane ranked #4, he has the beef to handle this fugg. Wouldnt want to see Lewis in the mix. Last match was the worst shit ive ever seen.

Not sure Stipe would want to run it back after that mauling. :!

Hypest bout of the night was watching Woodley get lit up by Luque.
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