MJR is still my favorite tapper even over multi-finger tappers. When I listen to other people tap it seems like such an empty technique...they may be very good at it as far as speed etc., but it doesn't sound musical to me-it usually sounds like just a "showoff" part of a solo. When I first realized some of the parts of Romeo's solos that were tapped I was amazed (Of Sins, even the famous Sea of Lies to name a few), not only by his speed and precision with the technique but also how he uses the technique in a musical sense. He is able to do things with tapping that very few other players can do no matter how many fingers they use. Some other heavy tap users that I really admire because they use it much like MJR are Stephan Forte, Ron Thal who I have really recently discovered, and I have seen a few Marcel Coenan videos that have impressed me a lot. Just my .02.