best tappers...

Oct 2, 2004
yesterday i was listening to T.J helmrich and he totally blew me away,his two handed tapping is flawless,however i still think staley jordan is the best guy at that thing.anyways at tapping with single finger MJR is still the best. :rock:
Yngvai X said:
Know whats also the best? posting musician related topics in the "Musicians Corner" forum :D

yeah.. whats the idea of this thread?... by the way any information about new planet x cd. i have to heard fits helmrich in px. its good they have different players sometimes. alpine is awesome, but songs were quite same and its nice to heard new players
MJR is still my favorite tapper even over multi-finger tappers. When I listen to other people tap it seems like such an empty technique...they may be very good at it as far as speed etc., but it doesn't sound musical to me-it usually sounds like just a "showoff" part of a solo. When I first realized some of the parts of Romeo's solos that were tapped I was amazed (Of Sins, even the famous Sea of Lies to name a few), not only by his speed and precision with the technique but also how he uses the technique in a musical sense. He is able to do things with tapping that very few other players can do no matter how many fingers they use. Some other heavy tap users that I really admire because they use it much like MJR are Stephan Forte, Ron Thal who I have really recently discovered, and I have seen a few Marcel Coenan videos that have impressed me a lot. Just my .02.
greg howe by a long shot

helmerich is awesome, so is forte, coenens tapping stuff never gets too extensive but is but is still cool, romeos stuff is pretty neat too
As far as the 8-finger-tapping thing goes, Helmerich owns just about everyone. Adam Fulara is another amazing player, but his style is totally different. The man basically plays piano on guitar.
steve vai can do some awesome tapping too

but i wouldn't know who the best is!

watch video from hell if you can, steve does a cool tapping thing in it. he's got his left hand in one place doing legato, tapping notes with the right on higher frets, and then he starts moving towards the left... you're like "OMG...he's gonna cross!!" and he does it so smoothly...he just crosses to behind (!) his left hand like its nothing.

great footage of him and frank shredding together on that bootleg. the video itself is a nightmare... copious amounts of weed must accompany it
steve vai can do some awesome tapping too.....

can do some tapping?! he has terrible techinque!! and he made good songs and hes good singer too. Live at Astoria is really good dvd. Get that if you have any interest to Vai or havent it already (speaking to all)