Best things in life are free (Mindwarp Chamber & A Lower Deep)

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
I was fortunate enough to be gifted CDs by members of each of these bands. Had they sucked, I simply would have remained silent. However, both are really strong discs. And so far, both discs are better than all the discs I paid for. I'm always amazed (and a little saddened) when you come across bands this good who wallow in relative obscurity, while far less gifted bands get far more exposure.

Both bands are worth checking out...

A Lower Deep MySpace

Mindwarp Chamber MySpace

It sucks that the pre-party no longer showcases bands like these. I mean, I get why it's evolved into something different. However, it was great when bands like these had that kind of opportunity to showcase their impressive talents.

Thanks so much Zod, very happy you dug the disk (breathes sigh of relief). It was great to meet you and I alway enjoy reading your posts, thoughtful and intelligent (the one above is a case in point, ha).
Zod - Thanks for the kudos for A Lower Deep. These guys have worked very hard to build the talent for intense songwriting that they have. And their stage presence is nothing to scoff at either, as some of the Atlanta regs can tell you.

So thanks. Glad you enjoyed their latest effort. They will soon start writing the next disc - which stands to be even better. :heh:

And I've heard the Mindwarp Chamber samples on their MySpace in the past, and have always respected that band as well. They would certainly be a reason to visit Chicago from what I've heard and read about them.
Mindwarp Chamber rules.
One of the best bands out of Chicago. Their live sets always amaze me. Definitely make it a proiority to see these guys if and when they come through your town....or take a road trip to Chicago. Party time!

I'm not too familiar with A Lower Deep but thanks for the heads up! I'll check 'em out.
I agree with Zod... A Lower Deep's "Black Mary" is a great album. I was really impressed. It's the first cd I got at PP that I listened to... and haven't stop spining it since. Great job guys. Loved the guitar sound and bass lines. Nothing but the best for you. A metal salute from Puerto Rico!!!
Hey. I get to Birmingham every once in a while. How can I find out if they're playing a gig the night I'm there?

The band is based out of the Birmingham area, but they play more shows in the Atlanta area. Although right now they are auditioning drummers, so I do not expect them to return to the stage until probably after the first of next year. :erk:

The good news is... it'll be well worth the wait. :heh: :kickass:

I agree with Zod... A Lower Deep's "Black Mary" is a great album. I was really impressed. It's the first cd I got at PP that I listened to... and haven't stop spining it since. Great job guys. Loved the guitar sound and bass lines. Nothing but the best for you. A metal salute from Puerto Rico!!!

cool man - help us spread the word in Puerto Rico! Share the cd with your friends! :cool:
Definitely thank you all for the kind words, we really appreciate you all. Our genre of music has the best fans there are. You guys are very selective but you should be, and once you embrace something you are loyal and supportive. We hope to earn that support. We think of no one as a fan but as a friend so write us, call us, stop us on the street or at show. We hope we get the chance to meet and play for all of you along the way.
I bought Mindwarp Chamber's cd (finally) this weekend. Have not listened yet; however, I've been a fan of Scott Huffman since he was in Twelfth Gate, and Syris before that.
It sucks that the pre-party no longer showcases bands like these. I mean, I get why it's evolved into something different. However, it was great when bands like these had that kind of opportunity to showcase their impressive talents.


Dark Empire is another band that came to my mind when I was reading this part of your post.

Zod and Everyone else,

Thanks for the very kind words. We started this band knowing that we would only appeal to a certain group of people, luckily for us those people are all awesome.

BTW if you do come to Chicago and hang with Yippee and Yardley we're going to have to do a Triple date.