Best Things to come from Seattle!!!!!

Tony I just spent a few minutes on your personal website... I really dig some of your designs! Good shit, keep it up!
p.s. Sleep Terror is from Sacramento. Luke no longer lives here.

I know, though I wouldn't consider Nevermore any less "Seattle" if they moved away. In all honesty, I'm not sure Luke or Sleep Terror originated from Seattle (just that that's where they were for as long as I've known about the band up until Luke's move), but I can't imagine anyone moving to Suckramento because they really feel like it...
He's originally from Sacramento. He sometimes lives there and sometimes lives here. Sleep Terror is nomadic!
I talked to Luke on myspace a while ago and I recall him saying that he didn't like Seattle very much and that the valley was always kind of his home. But this was like, more than a year ago so who knows. And he does have a tendency to go back and forth it seems.

Anyway, I haven't been to Seattle since I was about 4. I really don't remember much of it. Actually I technically was there in Feb of 2006 but it was just for a plane change. So I wasn't really "there" I guess. I'd very much like to go sometime though. I've had thoughts of moving to Portland or Seattle in the future. Maybe even Vancouver. I can't stand California anymore, but I doubt I could call anywhere but the Pacific Northwest my home.
Another excellent thing that came out of Seattle:


:D :D :D :D