Best vocalist thread

DLR of course . I seen Van Halen 6 times in the Roth era. It was a non-stop party every time. I seen them once with Hagar and that was enough for me.
DLR. HE was the spirit of Van Halen. After that, they turned into a boring arena rock band IMO. I forgot how Diamond Dave quoted it, but it was something in the context of this. "Old Van Halen made you want to dance, enjoy life, and fuck, while Van Hagar makes you want to sleep, have a career, and be content in a relationship." It was something like that. Somebody help me out here, please.
I heard Roth say "new Van Halen makes you want to be a responsible adult and, that's not what rock n' roll is about". I have to agree with Diamond Dave on that one.
I seeen these guys in Cali a few years back . Thought they were awesome
David Lee Roth. He studied to be an EMT last year so he could do some volunteer work. I'm not sure what ever became of that though. Anyone know?

Sammy Hagar was on an episode of Emeril last week. I didn't watch the whole thing though.
DLR all the way!!!! Saw him a couple of years ago and even to this day the man still has it(well at least not the highkicks). It was a very fun show and unfortunately probably the closest thing to a Van Halen concert that I will see. While I would love to see a reunion, it just isn't going to happen. Eddie has way to big of an ego along with a drinking problem to even think that the real Van Halen will ever get back together.
I can honestly say that I never liked one single song from Van Hagar. DLR was the man. I never cared for Hagar solo stuff either.
dlr was the first and the best-however van halen needed to go in the direction they did daves stuff was always headed for the solo scene-top bloke tho and in anycase its all secondary to eds guitars riffs-he be the man