Best way to Jaxx?


Nov 19, 2005
I'm making plans to see Gamma Ray in May, but I've never been to Jaxx. At first look it seems easiest to fly into D.C.'s Reagan from Atlanta, then rent a car and drive down to the show.

Does that seem reasonable, or is there a betterway? There are so many things I don't know about: Is there a better airport? Does D.C. transit, like the Blue or Yellow line, go down that far? Do buses run from the end of the line, and are they convenient? How late does transit run?

Thanks for any input.
It's way out in the middle of nowhere, or kinda of at the outer rim of the suburbs ringing DC-- I may be wrong, but I *think* Dulles may be closer. When I went there I stayed out about 5 minutes from Dulles and it was about a 40 minute winding drive to Jaxx.
Do not think it really matters what airport you fly into.
Best bet is to get your hotel by the Springfield Blvd exit on 95 (in Springfield).
There are many there, we normally stay at either the Courtyard or Days Inn....think we stayed once or twice at the Red Roof. (just go to hotels parent site and choose springfield as city, this will let you know what is there, then mapquest from hotel to Jaxx for directions to club.)
Jaxx is just a five minute or so drive from that area, very easy...plenty of places to eat, mall nearby....
it's actually a Giant Grocery Store not a Food Lion. :).....if he looks for a FL he would end up in a whole nother hood. having lived less than half a mile from jaxx for 4 years.....i say fly to regan national....take blue line to springfield..get a cab to one of the hotels referenced...i believe the bands often stay in some of them...and then cab it to Jaxx....a fwe miles down the road...OR see if anyone here might want to meet up and give someone a lift. we would...but our car does not hold too many people. i'll be lucky enought if i can am able to go to the show.

coldie...just call me crash
booB said:
Q. How do you get to Jaxx?

A. Practice, practice, practice!

Q. How do you get to Jaxx?

A. Sell tickets to 50 friends. ;)

Speaking of which...If you're coming to the show, have you bought tickets yet? If not, drop me a PM and I can help you out - and you can help us out, too.

I'd fly into whatever airport is cheaper - unless you're not renting a car. In that case, I'd fly into National, take the Metro to Springfield/Franconia, a cab to the hotel, and a cab to/from the venue. If you're renting a car, the distance difference is trivial.
Dulles might be slightly cheaper than Reagan National, though, since the latter still doesn't have as many flights as before 9/11; it's higher-rent territory for their airlines.
Also, there are stricter in-flight restrictions for approach to Reagan National. When they tell you the seat-belt sign has been lit, you'd better go to your seat and stay there! There's at least one air marshal on every flight, for obvious reasons.
Thanks for the input all. Flights into Reagan on AirTran are less than $60, and those scary Air Marshals are fine.
Right now I plan to fly into D.C. Monday afternoon drive down for the show drive back to D.C.Monday night and fly out in the wee hours of Tuesday morning. Hopefully the entire trip will take less than 18-20 hrs.

I'd just as soon go to Swordlord's show, but things were set in motion before he got it all arranged.

eaeolian check your other thread.
It's great reading about people planning ventures to Jaxx. They always get alot of really good metal shows, I'm there several times a month (and in many cases, several times a week haha!). I can always count on a major metal tour stopping by the area. Gamma Ray is going to be so amazing. I hope for everyone who takes the pilgrimage to see Gamma Ray to enjoy what will be one of the greatest musical experiences imaginable.
booB said:
Q. How do you get to Jaxx?

A. Practice, practice, practice!

You know, booB, I was going online to make that same crack. Then I realized that we're talking about heavy metal bands, and practice has nothing to do with it.

How do you get to Jaxx?

Sell your soul to Satan.


Steve in Philly