Best way to scan your computer for viruses...?

I believe at the very least if you attempt this it will offer you a repair feature but whether that does anything useful I don't know. I always just do a clean reinstall.

I don't really trust that repair feature too awful much... I have a friend who can help me with the re-install if I have to do it, but I will try a couple of more things before I do. No problems so far over the weekend, but I've only left my computer on & I haven't really used it for anything.

I will read back through your post & try to absorb a little bit more, but I have to make it to the bank before they close now. Thanks.

Vista uninstalls any pirated programs right?

Ouch. That fucking sucks. I never really pirate any programs though; I just pirate the pass codes :p
Vista uninstalls any pirated programs right?

It also reports pirating activity apparently. Which is a bit of a cunt.


Where are you guys getting this stuff? The only anti-piracy stuff in Vista applies to Vista itself (the activation thing) which was already present in XP as well and can be easily circumvented if you were so inclined.

Wait, unless you guys are talking about DRM which only applies to protected blue ray and HD DVD. And that doesn't report you either. It simply tries to prevent you from playing unlicensed blue ray discs and things like that.

Where are you guys getting this stuff? The only anti-piracy stuff in Vista applies to Vista itself (the activation thing) which was already present in XP as well and can be easily circumvented if you were so inclined.

Wait, unless you guys are talking about DRM which only applies to protected blue ray and HD DVD. And that doesn't report you either. It simply tries to prevent you from playing unlicensed blue ray discs and things like that.

I've heard it from multiple people.
Well it's technically and logistically impossible. Trust me, if Vista did that or was even capable of doing that it would be all over the internet.