Registry Cleaners... Should I use them??

Now I can't play DVDs in Windows Media Player or Dell Cineplayer... but DVDs will play in Nero 7 & Windows Media Center... WTF.

I went through yesterday & updated as many drivers as I saw fit. If I do a system restore to a week or two back when my shit was playing DVDs properly will all the driver updates from yesterday still be on my computer??
Pfft. Not if you know where to look and how to do it right. Registry cleaners are for nubcakes. Manual cleanups for the win.

Epic lulz... How in the hell am I going to clean my registry manually????? For anyone who has never done this go to start>run>regedit to see what I'm talking about. I really haven't the slightest idea of where to start. What am I supposed to look for?
What am I supposed to look for?
Whatever you're looking for. If you've had a failed uninstallation, then use the search feature for the software's maker/name and look the string up in regedit using the search feature. Search for any file extensions it associates when installed. Look for clues in the software's installer's 'ini' file if it has one for clues (it specifies what changes its installation brings about).

If your uninstallations go successfully, then you need not worry about what traces it would leave behind, as long as the piece of software wasnt some crapware screensaver with a free toolbar zomg!

If you're looking for spyware cleanups, you should have prevented them from visiting you in the first place. Precaution's always better. Have proper security installed beforehand. Atleast that's what I do.

There are several 'registry manuals' floating about to help you what each of the containers in there mean and what they hold.. not just deal with redundant entries but tweak stuff as well if you want.
The CCLean was OK, but I also got "Wise Registry Cleaner" & "Wise Disk Cleaner" from Both are stellar & much stronger than CCleaner. They removed many more orphaned files & useless shit like Windows Update Uninstalls & stuff that's not needed.

Is there any way to make my start window smaller?? For some odd reason when I used CClean my start window is way taller, almost to the top of the screen. It's kind of annoying, to say the least...