Best way to quit the cig'rettes?

Here is a photo of my friend after dipping for the first time

Also, find something to motivate you from quitting too. Preferrably not a woman...I used mountain biking. If I smoke, it damages my ability to ride, and to me riding is more important than smoking.

If you want to quit, quit. Cold turkey. Dont use a patch and power through hell for a week.

Lol she's not my motivation. I wanted to quit. Still do. It's just easier to not smoke when I'm at the woman's place cause only her mother smokes, as opposed to... my entire family.
I tried going strictly e-cigs for awhile and did real well until something upset to the point where I was dying for an actual smoke. It's so hard to tell someone, "Hey, try this!" because everyone is different in that aspect. For me, it seems more like a habit than an addiction. Like, the morning smoke, the after dinner smoke, etc. Ugh.
zabu of nΩd;10676110 said:
I actually just started smoking about a month ago, and i'm quite enjoying it so far. Main thing is it keeps my weed intake lower, which is a priority right now for mental health reasons.

Ironic, I smoked weed to stop smoking cigarettes, and to IMPROVE my mental health...
I was a pretty heavy smoker until a couple months ago. When I needed to stop, I'd stop buying cigarettes but would bum one from a friend who had them. Eventually I realized I didn't need them, but it took a while (and I've filled that void with overeating which has caused me to gain like 30 pounds, but that's another story.)

Don't feel guilty about slipping up and having the occasional smoke though - even Obama does it.