Best way to send someone a PT session?


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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Band I'm working with wants a copy of one of the session files to mess around with for whatever reason...

What's the easiest and most efficient way to do this? I'm not sure how to delete all the audio files that are no longer being used in the session or anything, or how copying sessions works.

A step by step tutorial on creating a copy of a session, removing all the unnecessary files to make the session as small as possible, and then packaging the session to be sent would be appreciated!
Not sure if it's the best way....but what I would do.

1. Copy the session (save copy in and make sure to check audio files) to an external that they will use for it.
2. Open that copied session
3. Lock all the regions in the session
4. In the audio file menu (whatever it's called, the one on the right) "Select > unused files/regions"
5. Clear
6. Delete
Here's what I do. This is assuming you don't want to give them all the extra files...just the main playlist ones.

1.Name session "SONG TITLE Mix Print Final"
2. Delete unused playlists. Just click on any track's playlist menu and select delete...
3. Consolidate all your audio regions to bar zero and make sure there's no bad edits.
4. Select Unused Regions- Shift/command/U
5. Clear Select Regions- Shift/Command/B
7. Save Session Copy As....make sure you select all audio fies and the proper bit rate and sample rate.
8. Either burn a DVD for them (easiest) or load it on a server.